fight or flight

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I jerked awake, in a state of panic I reached for the looming figure above me grasping their neck and sweeping their legs from beneath them, leaving them in a headlock. 

"Stop! Stop, it's just Harry!" I was broken from my sudden rush of adreneline by Ginny clambering from her bed to save the poor boy from by clutches.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh my godric, Harry!" I broke my grip, pulling him in to a guilt ridden hug.

"I'm so sorry."I began to breath heavily against him as he wrapped his arms around me understandingly.

"It's alright, it's fine. I scared you, I should be apologising." He shook his head.

"Fucking weapon." Ginny muttered getting back into her bed.

"Why are you standing over my bed while I sleep?" I asked, pressing my cold hands against my now burning skull.

"I was coming to wake you up, so we could 'have a chat' over breakfast." He said with air-quotes.

"Time?" I asked, reaching for my hairbrush.

"Half-seven ish?" He replied, rubbing his neck.

"It's Saturday, Harry. This better be good." I brushed out my hair, heart still pounding.

"It's not bad, it's not good. I also need a bit of advice." He turned away from me pulling out jeans and a grey hoodie that belonged to my mum that I had accidentally packed.

"Thats not my hoodie." I put it back, taking out my green jumper instead.

"Why did you put it back then? Which one does it belong to?" He looked between the sleeping girls in the dorm.

"It's just my mum's, Harry." I shook my head.

"Why cant you wear it then? I mean if its just your mum's, I'm sure she wouldnt mind." Harry began to make my bed for me, I frowned at the action.

"I don't really like my mum at the minute, Harry." I admitted, I hadnt really thought about it much but it was true. Harrys face fell.

"We can talk over breakfast." I turned to the bathroom. I got ready as quick as i could, curious to what news Harry was so eager to tell me.


"Yesterday, Ron was all worked up because he's still mad about you, which is mental because he broke up with you, but he was saying that he only broke up with you 'cause he was scared and that, 'cause he didnt know how to deal with the fact that your'e sometimes only half here, like Luna only you're not daydreaming you're just absent and that freaked him out 'cause he's never really had to put much effort in seeing as you're so easy going and so all of a sudden he was having to change, and Ron hates change so he just broke up with you, because he thought he wouldn't manage." Harry blurted out, talking frantically, like he had memorised everything and was trying to get it out before he forgot.

I stared blankly at him, chewing slowly, still processing.

"You know, together, you make up fight or flight when you get scared." He interupted my thoughts.

"That makes sense... I'm not going to speak to him until he apologises for all his little outbursts though." I said slowly, I was starting to understand Ron more now and it was making me feel stupid for missing it.

"I think thats why he was speaking to McClaggen. To get advice on you maybe?" He pulled a face.

"Why wouldnt he speak to you or Hermione?" I asked him, sipping my tea.

"We won't take sides."

"Godric." I let out a breath.

"You said you needed advice?" I pushed the new information to the back of my head.

"I want to take Ginny out next Hogsmead weekend, but I don't know how to ask her and I don't know how to get rid of Ron.

"Dont ask Ginny until the friday before, I know shes tough but she gets worked up about these things, she cancelled on Dean three times before their first date." I instructed.

"Flight response must be genetic." He remarked.

"I'll get Hermione to deal with Ron for you." I smiled.

"I knew you liked Ginny."

"You so didn't."

"I big fat called it." 

"Why have you fallen out with your mum?" He said abruptly.

"Way to change the mood, jeez." I said between sips.

"She's been a tad negelectful recently, in the way that she doesnt have time for me anymore. i mean, i could write her a three page essay about all my problems and all i'd get in response would be 'I'm sure things will start to look up soon', as if that will help." Harrry nodded along patiently,

"And I get it, new fiance, new house, I cant have all the attention but I've spent more time with Malcom than I've spent with her this year. She's being ignorant towards her own daughter and I'm just scared she's going to start this new life and have a new family and I'll be left on my own." I continued, unaware myself that this was how I felt.

"Well if anyone's an expert on families, it's me." Harry smiled, looking up through his glasses, tryiing to catch my eye.

"Sorry, yeah. Maybe this is one for 'mione." I smirked.


oooooo getting in to it

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