Slug Club

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"There you are." Harry sat down, cross legged his back to the fire. His eyes lingered ok Cormac's arm for a moment before he spoke.

"Is this about that necklace?" Cormac looked behind Harry to the gawking twins. He moved his arm, leaning forward but he put his hand on my knee.

"Yeah, I think it-" Harry stopped realizing, who he was talking to. I gave him a look urging him to go on, and brushed Cormac's hand off my leg not wanting to play his game anymore.

"It was him, I know it was." Harry said, not giving anything away. But he was talking about Draco Malfoy.

"Have you got proof, Harry?" I closed my book.

"No." Harry said bluntly.

"Well that's a shame, isn't it?" I sighed, Cormac looked between us confused. I ignored him.

"We can get some proof, I'm sure of it." Harry nodded enthusiastically, but his face was cold.

"We will." I agreed. Letting silence settle between us.

"Also, Slug Club. Get into that if you can." Harry added. Cormac gave me a shove nodding at Harry.

"See, he's in it."

"Yes but what is Slug Club?" I made a disgusted face at the name.

"Basically Slughorn has dinner parties, if you go to them and he likes you he can help you pursue potions. Like introduce you to people." Cormac explained, Harry nodded.

"How does someone join Slug Club?" I asked amused.

"I can put in a good word." Harry smiled. He looked behind me, his face falling slightly before his smile returned.

Ginny and Dean walked through the common room hand in hand, whispering and laughing with eachother. Harry's eyes followed then.

"You're in love with Ginny Weasley." Cormac whispered a grin on his face. A quiet notion of laughter, rippled through him as Harry's face went red.

"Oh Harry!" I exclaimed, burrying my face in my hands.

"Y/n! Shut up!" Harry hit my leg.

"I can't believe this." Cormac rubbed his hands together. I sat up pointing a finger at him.

"No Cormac, I don't care how much you love the rumors, this one stays quiet. I can't-" I stopped myself as I saw Ron coming in through the portrait hole.

"Most of all, don't tell him." I turned my back, feeling my stomach tightening.

"Harry!" I looked up watching Ron gesture Harry over. Unexpectedly, I moved closer to Cormac's side without taking my eyes off of Ron. It was a shock even to me.

"I'll meet you upstairs later." Harry brushed him off.

But he stood there looking between the three of us.

"Are you trying to make him jealous?" Cormac whispered so quietly, I almost missed it.

"He fucking deserves it." I felt a new feeling, something different. It wasn't sad, angry or delusional. I don't know what it was.

Cormac played with the singular braid in my hair, wrapping it between his fingers. Ron looked between the three of us again, practically begging Harry to leave us.

"We're a bit busy, mate." Cormac smiled slightly. Ron looked as if he'd been slapped in the face.

"Right, sorry. Mate." Ron emphasized the last word, holding a grudge. Before he turned away.

"Harry, please I love you but don't tell Ginny." I sprang back to the conversation the second Ron was out of earshot. The mood changed instantly back, the tension gone.

"I couldn't tell her, flipping hell." Harry ran his hand through his hair.

"You will. I promise."


I'm so exhausted. But luckily moving my thumbs around the keyboard of my phone doesn't take much effort.

Two chapters in a row tonight, aren't you lucky ducks. I'm going to write another that will be out on Wednesday or Thursday.

Take paracetamol for the headache you probably have.
Bye for now girlies.

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