mad like Trelawney

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"Ginny?" I smiled sweetly at her, running my hand over the chest of alcohol.

"Just don't tell anyone you got it from me, alright?" She nodded.

"Where did you even get this much?" I asked her picking a bottle out making clanking noises.

"Never you mind." She smiled at me.

I sat in the astronomy tower looking out on the dark night. I really should be getting cold but I wasn't particularly bothered.

"Y/n?" Ron called, I looked behind me the trees in the distance spun slightly with the filter of alcohol.

"What?" I asked quietly.

"Sorry." He sat down beside me. I looked at him. He wasn't looking back at me.

"Why?" I sighed.

"Why am I sorry? Well because I..." He struggled.

"Ron if your only apologizing because Harry told you to then it's not a proper apology." I said calmly, I felt him tense up beside me.

"I just miss you." He muttered.

"What d'you mean?" I slurred slightly.

"Well your either busy now a days or your... I dunno, it's like your in another world." He pulled me closer to him.

"Ron when we spoke the other night, I don't know what happened but when I left it was like I couldn't breathe and then I started crying and I couldn't stop until, and I know it sound weird but Dean made me count the stripes on his jumper." I rambled.

"But you're okay now?" He looked at me. I hesitated, I'm not sure he understood how scary it was for me  the other night.

"I'm fine." I nodded, to exhausted to explain it.

"Good." He nodded, we sat there for a while. The dark was so peaceful, but scary.

"Y/n?" Ron snapped his fingers infront of my face.

"I've been speaking to you. Have you even listened to a single word?" He asked me grumpily.

"Sorry, I missed it, what were you saying?" I looked at his anger filled face.

"I can't believe I had to apologize to you. You can't make time for me and when you do, well I'd be better off talking to a brick wall, wouldn't I?" He huffed, I looked at him. I knew that his words should've had some affect on me but for some reason they did nothing.

"Sorry, I really am." I nodded, picking up my half empty bottle and heading back some the creaky steps and into the common room.

"There you are! Did he find you and apologize? " Hermione ran up.

"Yes, then we got into another argument because I'm only half there and I ignore him all the time." I took a swig as I slumped onto the couch.

"Don't be ridiculous!" Hermione tried to comfort me.

"I'm not, he's right."

Hermione's pov

I glanced behind me as I sensed someone. Y/n slowly walked in, wavering slightly. Her hair was disheveled, her fingers were red and her mouth blue from the cold. She almost looked through me as I went over.

"There you are! Did he find you and apologize?" I asked, taking her hand and rubbing it between my own trying to get some heat into them.

She spoke unclearly telling me she was only half in the relationship, that she ignored him too much. A tear slipped down her cheek but I don't think she noticed.

"Don't be ridiculous!" I tried to comfort her, but I wasn't sure what she was talking about.

"I'm not, he's right." She sighed staring at the fire, drinking whiskey from the bottle.

"Who decided this would be what we drank? It's an old man drink that makes your inside's toasty." She mumbled, explaining why she hadn't noticed how cold she was.

"Hermione?" She rested her head on my shoulder.


"I think I'm going mad. Like Trelawney." She said it so oddly. She wasn't herself.

"Why's that?" I tried to sound unfazed.

"Just my brain. It's too busy, and I either feel to much or not enough. And I need to study but the truth is I just keep reading the potions book from cover to cover. But none of the information goes in." She sighed.

"Do you need me to help you? With studying?"  I asked her, she smiled widely.

"No, it's alright." She shook her head.


I probably won't post from Christmas till the end of January, I have Prelims. But having said that I might.

Alsoooo I saw Spiderman last night, still stressed out.

Have a good one, bye.

Flaming Hot // Ron x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now