Hush little baby

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"Come on Ron!" Lavender shouted, I glanced over at her, slightly annoyed. She knew I was here she looked right at me before she sat down. Ron was currently dangling off of his broomstick.

"Hermione, do something please." I whispered she sighed, I could tell she was thinking about it.

"Confundus." She whispered, I watched as Cormac McClaggen dodged the ball and a goal was scored.

"Yesss!" Lavender stood up, clasping her hands together.

"I swear to you Hermione, I will kick that girl a knew one." Hermione stiffled a laugh as we stood up to meet Harry and Ron at the bottom of the stand.

"Absolutley rubbish!" I shouted to Ron when we reached the bottom of the stand, he replied to my comment by giving me the finger. The boys were heading towards the changing rooms, so obviously our plans to meet them had changed. 

"I thought he did quite well, actually!" Lavender stood beside me, I looked at her in absolute astonishement. 

"Oh dear God." I heard Hermione mutter.

"Are you in any way-" My voice was cut of as a hand slapped over my mouth and I was lifted from the ground. I started to struggle.

"Hush little baby." Lee spoke, I relaxed. Completely. I heard him groan as I became a deadweight.

"Be kind to Lavy, alrighty." He kept me in his grasped as we entered the castle.

"Mr Jordan! Unhand the student please!" I heard McGonagall shout, I saw a few heads turn as my feet returned to the ground.

"Why? Just why?" She shook her head.

"It was for the wellbeing of another student, Professor." He smiled at her sweetly, McGonagall had always had a soft spot for Lee. He could always win over McGonagall.

"Y/n isn't a particularly violent student, Lee." She raised an eyebrow at me, I shrugged.

"You haven't seen her in the mornings, Professor." He grinned at her, the corner of her mouth twitched a little then she tutted.

"Away you go." She pointed behind her, I could see a damp-haired Ron and a concerned Hermione waiting for me.

"What the bloody hell was that about?" Ron asked as we both walked towards them.

"Well Lavender was-"

"Nothing, Ron." I cut Lee off. Everyone went quiet, the silence was uncomfortable.

"Played good by the way." Lee nodded to Ron, before giving me a look as he walked away. I wasn't sure what the look meant.

"We'll meet you in the common room?" Harry nodded to Hermione and I, Ron followed after.

"You okay?" Hermione asked after we walked in silence to the stairs.

"Yeah, I just feel a bit shit recently." I shrugged.

"In what way?" She avoided looking directly at me, once again I couldn't read the expression.

"Fred and George left, you and Ron are Prefects, Ron's on the quidditch team and Harry... well Harry's Harry. Everyone is doing something." I hesitated before looking back at her.

"It's like your all moving forward and I'm standing still." I said quietly, she hugged me tight. And for once I was grateful for a hug.

She went back to avoiding my gaze and continued up the stairs to the common room.

"I think I've always been a bit jealous of you, 'mione." I smiled following her.

"Of me?" She looked surprised and flattered.

"Mhmm." I nodded.

"Hi, Granger." A voice came from the couch infront of the fire. Hermione frowned at me as we walked over.

"McClaggen?" Hermione and I sat down.

"Yes..." He looked between the two of us, he looked almost confused.

"This is where you say more words." I held in a laugh.

"I'll be back in a moment." Hermione frowned at me, leaving me with him, probably hoping I'd get rid of him.

"Was that as awful as I think it was?" McClaggen asked me, I nodded.

"You alright, Cormac?" I asked, he was still in his quidditch uniform.

"How good of a wingman is Ron?" He asked rubbing his hands down his face.

"Probably shit. Why are you here?" I skipped to the point.

"Trying to get her to go on a date with me. Will you persuade her?" He turned to me suddenly.

"This is the first conversation I've ever had with you. And if you have to persuade someone to do something they probably don't want to do it." I crossed my leg over the other and leant back.

"True, but..." He looked at the fire then back to me.

"No. You stink, go have a shower and go back to not speaking to me." I shoo-ed him away with my hand. Hermione came back from her room, holding a book only moments later.

"What on earth did that boy want?" She breathed heavily, slumping down beside me on the couch.

"To take you on a date." I nudged her.

"As if?" She laughed but her cheeks went red.

"Why not? He's not half bad looking." I laughed, nudging her again.

"He's awful." She shook her head.

Flaming Hot // Ron x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now