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"Did you hear, Katie  got possessed by a necklace?" Lee sat down interrupting my studying.

"She what?" I looked up, confused.

"She was at the three broomsticks and somehow she ended up with a necklace that she was supposed to give give to Dumbledore. When she touched it she was flung about in the sky." His descriptions never failed to amuse.

"Oh right, is she okay?" I asked, still confused.

"Course she is." He scoffed.

"Are you okay?" Lee asked after a moment of silence. I looked up hesitating.

"And what's McClaggen all about?" He added.

"I'm fine, which is concerning because I know I shouldn't be. And he's a new friend, which is concerning because he's a dick." I sighed.

"It's because you still love eachother, give it a few more weeks maybe a month, you'll be balling your eyes out." Lee explained, as if he were a professional.

"What kind of bollocks is that? Did you just make that up?" I rolled my eyes, a first year sitting by the fire glanced at me.

"No, it's true. That's what Leanne says." Lee insisted.

"Right then." I nodded, he sensed a change in subject was needed.

"Tell me what's so good about the McClaggen boy then?" He rolled his eyes.

"Nothing really. Both lonely, selfish, sarcastic grumps that people avoid for their own peace of mind." I shrugged.

He nodded.

"What's new with you then?" I asked him.

"I've decided that I'm either going to have my own radio show or I'll be a quidditch commentator." He nodded with such certainty that his ambition was undeniable.

"Good for you." I said sincerely.

"Speak of the devil." Lee nudged me, Cormac stalked into he common room, his cheeks red with cold.

"It's freezing out there." He said shoving a box of cigarettes back into the pocket of his leather jacket.

"Maybe if you didn't have such a disgusting habit, you wouldn't have to suffer." Lee said abruptly, I nodded, earning a glare from Cormac.

A group of girls at a table behind giggled as Cormac ran his hands through his hair.

"Does he seriously have an audience?" Lee muttered turning around.

"Oh nevermind their like twelve." He brought his hand across his neck as if he was signalling to cut.

I let out a laugh, but it faltered as Lee stood up.

"Where're you going?" I asked, sounding more hurt than I meant to.

"To bed, quidditch practice is tomorrow morning I want to see what we're working with." He said glancing at Cormac before he left.

"Did you hear about Katie being possessed by a necklace and then being flung about in the sky?" I asked him as he sat down in Lee's place.

"I did actually, but I like that description better." He nodded he arm resting on the couch behind me.

"Lee's words not mine." He shrugged, Parvati and Padma walked last looking over at Cormac and whispering.

"Why are you so desperate for a date with 'mione when every girl in this room is drooling at you presence?" I asked him seriously.

"Every girl?" He raised an eyebrow at me, I scoffed.

"I'm not actually that desperate. She's just... Enthralling." He shrugged.

"What d'you mean?" I asked putting my quill in my bag and rolling up my parchment.

"She just is." He shrugged, I knew there was more but I wasn't pushing for emotional chitchat.

"Also Slughorn is staring like a weird club thing, and you and me need to try and get in." He broke the topic.

"We need to, do we?" I raised an eyebrow, readjusting myself trying to get comfy.

"Mmm-hmm." He nodded letting his arm rest in my shoulders. I heard the Patil twins scoff and mutter again.

I looked from them to him to the arm draped across my shoulders. A silent accusation.

"I like their rumors, it's the only good entertainment around here. If you just urk them, it starts to spread like a wildfire." He smiled, talking quietly.

"What?" I asked, wanting a further explanation.

"I once left a not on the floor supposedly from Seamus to Hermione asking her to that ball. It took three hours from the word to get back to me. It's fun, like a game." He grinned.

"So you make up little lies and then time how long it takes for the rumors to circle back? That's both sad and chaotic at the same time." I laughed.

"Well, that's them whispering now. So let's see how long before the rumor has tripled in sized and we find out we're engaged." He grinned, pulling me in closer. I blew air out of my nose, humoured by his game.

"What's this then?" He picked up my parchment.

"Herbology, that plant eats people." I pointed to a drawing in my page.

"Like an anti-salad." He stated, completely seriously.

"Exactly." I nodded.

Ron's pov

I thought it would take her a bit longer. But there she was laughing away with Cormac on the couch.

"Hermione." I nudged her as we reached the bottom step. She looked up at me then in the direction of my eyes.

"Ron they're just friends." She scoffed.

"Yeah I know, I'm not bothered." I lied, and I knew she could tell. I walked quickly out the common room.

"Harry!" I smiled at him as we past eachother.

"What?" He turned his head quickly as if he wasn't even aware we were there.

"Oh sorry. Have you seen y/n?" He asked quickly, looking at Hermione.

"She's on the couch, shagging McClaggen." I muttered.

"No she isn't!" Hermione hit my arm.

"That rhymed." Harry smiled, heading into the common room.

"Why are you so jealous? You broke up with her." Hermione said clearly exasperated.

"I'm not. It was like talking to a brick wall, she was never listening anymore and always muttering to herself. Absolutely mental." I told Hermione, not looking at her.

"She thinks she's going crazy Ron." Hermione put her hand on my shoulder.

"That's just stupid though, isn't it." I rolled my eyes.

She let out a scoff but said nothing.

Flaming Hot // Ron x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now