French Onion Soup

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"Ah yes, welcome. Welcome." Slughorn beckond the four of us in. Harry had a wide grin on his face, it looked fake like he was posing for a photo. Slughorn didn't seem to notice as he place his hand on Harrys shoulder and led him to his seat. 

There was a handful of people there already, none of them looked too comfortable. Cormac sat right beside Slughorn, Hermione sat as far away as possible on the oposite end of the round table beside Harry.  I sat down beside Cormac, leaving Ginny the space closest Harry.

I felt the effects of the potion as the candle lights were too bright, and I could almost here Blaze Zabini grinding his teeth. Slughorn clapped his hands together, making me jump.

"For starter; French Onion Soup." He smiled enthusiasticly, breathing through his mouth as the bowls infront of us began to fill themselves.

I tried to focus on Slughorns groggy voice as I ate the soup, but the sound of his voice was bouncing off the walls. Echoing slightly, as most loud noises in the castle do.

"And you y/n?" He caught my attention. I frowned glacing at Cormac for help, though he had taken to 'making eyes' at Hermione, whi wasnt even looking in his direction.

This soup is very onion-y.

"Sorry?" I asked, hoping he would repeat himself.

I need to scratch my ankle.

"Your parents, both exceptional students, what is it that they do with themselves?" He repeated, I cringed slightly. How could I tell him my 'exceptional' witch of a mother is unemployed and does mainly magicless odd-jobs for a living? Or that my father was- well, just wasn't?

I really need to scratch my ankle.

"My mum is a seamstress, she makes robes and... other things, and I don't see my father, he turned out to be a right nut-job." I blurted out in an unusual fashion, frowning at my use of an insult.

"Really? Well I suppose he did have a bit of a temper." Slughorn joked.

Blaze was grinding his teeth again.

"Just a bit." I nodded, rolling my eyes at Hermione the second he looked away.

Slughorn seemed to avoid asking me questions after finding out my parents were failed prodogies. I didn't really know much about my mothers years at Hogwarts other than the stories of her being a prefect and finding students doing all sorts in hidden passages. I suppose she avoided telling me much about anything.

Harry's jacket made an awful sound whenever he moved his arm.

As dessert was served I couldnt help but notice the lack of Ginny Weasley. I looked over at Hermione, catching her gaze before nodding at the empty chair, she shrugged in reply before Slughorn caught her attention with a question about her parents.

Slughorn kept hitting his spoon off the side of the dish.

After informing Slughorn her parents were dentists there was a confused silence in the room, Harry and I locked eyes, struggling to not laugh. Most of the people in the room were very out of touch with the muggle world.

Marcus Belby was smacking his lips as he chewed.

As Hermione finished her story the door creaked open, Ginny stood there looking rather defeated. Slughorn beckoned her in.

"Sorry, I'm not usually late." She apologised, smiling slightly, though her cheeks were tear stained.

Flora Carrow was scratching a splinter of wood on the table.

Harry stood up as if she were royalty, nodding to her as she sat down. Cormac stiffled a laugh, I kicked him under the table, watching Harry go red. Hermione smiled at him, whispering.

Authors note

the long awaited chapter... and i hate it. Its not great but the next one will be more interesting, maybe.

Anyway, go to bed


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