braiding eachothers hair

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"There you are!" A loud voice struck the quiet murmers of the dining hall.

"I swear I haven't seen you in like, a whole week." Lee sat down beside Harry, grin plastered on his face, helping himself to a slice of toast.

"I know it's mental-"

"Do I smell cigarettes?" Lee pulled me towards him with a loose section of my hair, before sniffing it and smacking the side of my head.

"What the fuck, Lee!" I rubbed my head.

"Dont be smoking then!" He mimicked my tone.

"I wasn't! It's bloody Cormac, never catch him stationary without one." I picked the toast off his plate, licking it and putting it back down infront of him.

"Bitch." He grumbled, pulling a disgusted look.

"Harry, do you know Mia Stargate?" Lee put his hand up as if he was blocking me out.

"The one with the nice eyes?" Harry nodded his head towards a group of girls at the Ravenclaw table.

"Guess who has a date with her? Guess! You'll never get it." He bit his cheeks to stop himslef from smiling.

"Oh, I dunno erm, maybe you?" Harry said sarcastically. Lee shook his head, confusing both of us.

"You do, Harry."


"You owe me." Lee stood up, ruffling Harry's hair.

"Love you." He waved goodbye, walking quicky away from us.

Harry stared at me, silent, mouth agape. I shook my head, sighing.

"What about Ginny? Why would he do that? When have I ever shown any interest in anyone else?" Harry put his head in his hands.

"To be fair you've never shown much interest in Ginny."

"Shut up." He looked up at me, desperate.

"I'll get him to sort it. It's fine." I looked towards the door, Cormac was strolling in.

"Morning sweetheart." He nodded to me as he sat down. He looked over to harry then back at me, confused.

"He's just getting too many girls that he doesn't know what to do with himself." I said sarcastically, receiving a kick from Harry.

"You've got to stop smoking, by the way. Making me smell bad." I sipped my tea.

"You've always smelled bad."

"What is wrong with people today? Looming over me in my sleep, pulling my air, slapping me,  kicking me, insulting me? It's not even-" I grabbed Harry's wrist to check the time.

"Eight? Its eight o'clock in the morning." I gave an exasperated laugh.

"Wait until you hear what dearest Ronald said to me." He patted my back, before pulling fluff from my hair.

"Not today, please." I shook my head.

"I need to go back to bed." I rose from my place, trudging slowly out of the hall. The common room was always a quiet place on a saturday morning.

"Y/n? Would you give me a moment?" Ron's tired voice called from the couch. I stared in his direction, not yet processing.

"Please?" He added.

"Since when did you learn manners?" I shuffled over to him apprehensively.

"I take it you spoke with McClaggen?" He looked at the fire and not at me.

"No." I shook my head.

"Well- I just- I wanted to apologise and, and I don't know, could we be friends please? I mean not keeping eachothers secrets and braiding eachothers hair, but civil, same friend group, maybe go to eachothers birthday party type friends?" It seemed like a chore for him to drag his gaze from the fire to look me in the eyes.

"Apologise?" I chortled.

"Pretty pathetic, aren't I?" He rubbed his vacant eyes, giving a half-sigh half-laugh.

"Brave, but pretty pathetic." I nodded, moving my head to be more in his eyeline, he turned his head away.

"Sorry, really truly sorry." He moved from his place on the couch. My heart sunk as he rose.

Ron's pov

"Sorry, really truly sorry." I did my best to keep the lump in my throat from surfacing, I stood, I had to get away.


As I turned I was engulfed into the most meaningful embrace I'd ever been presented with. I brought my arms round her, feeling weightless. The guilt I felt was paused for a moment, only to filter back as she slowly pulled away.

"Friends." She looked up at me, I let myself become susceptible to her eyes, the sun hitting them in a way that made it all too painful to agree to platonism. But I nodded my head, taking the wound.


oh my god!  no way thats totes cray!  BFF's!


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