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"How am I supposed to dress?" I asked Hermione, whilst I stood in my underwear riffling through the wardrobe. She sat on the bed flipping through an unclaimed magazine she had found in the common room.

"Nice but casual, I think." She said quietly, paying attention the the girl in the magazine with the brightly coloured hair. I stared at her a moment before looking back to the wardrobe.

I pulled a light pink knitted jumper and dark bootcut jeans from within and held them against my body. She looked up and nodded.

"I have a belt the same pink, you can wear it." She offered.

"Thanks, have you seen Ginny?" I asked her, jumping to pull the jeans up.

"Yes, oh my godric, she told me she was looking for him about an hour ago. Said she was going to break up with him." She closed the magazine, gossiping.

"Really? Tonight? She said he was a bit boring but she was going to give him more of a chance. I struggled to button the jeans together. There was a knock at the door, but before a word could be said it swung open.

"What am I supposed to- oh uh, erm, sorry." Harry spun around to face the wall, flustered at my half-dressed appearance, but the mirror on the wall infront of him did me no justice. He threw his hands over his face, shaking his head.

Hermione choked down a laugh as I finally got my jeans buttoned. 

"Sorry I should've waited for one of you to say something. I- oh." He stopped himself, and just shook his head.

"You've seen me in a worse state." I reminded him, pulling the jumper on without a t-shirt underneath.

"Oh I had just forgotten about that, bloody hell." He sighed, shaking his head.

"Forgotten what?" Hermione looked between us, a single eyebrow raised.

"Nothing, you can turn around, Harry." He turned around, suppressing a grin, he had had his arms full of clothes that were dropped on the ground as he had covered his face.

"I've never been to a dinner party before." He stated looking at the various shirts on the floor.

"Just put any of those on, its fine." Hermione shrugged opening her magazine again. Harry hesitated looking between us. Hermione shot up, grinning.

"Who are you trying to impress?" She pointed an accusing finger at him.

"No one." He answered too quickly for it to be true.

"Come on, Harry!" Hermione jeered, he looked to me for help, that confirmed what I thought.

"Is it who I think it is." I asked, reaching for my hairbrush.

"Fine, yes. Now which one." He pointed to the shirts, I noticed there was a suit jacket there aswell.

"The greyish brown one." I said, he turned to the pile. Hermione stared at me, mouth open. 

"Later." I mouthed to her. She nodded.


"Proffesor sprout?" I called out, there were various green houses she could be in.

"We're in here!" I could hear Neville calling back from the one the furthest on the left. Did that boy ever leave?

"Potion's in the small blue bottle beside the door." Sprout nodded  as I walked in. I glanced at Neville.

"I wont give you that again, y/n." Sprout said firmly. I frowned, but she walked past briskly leaving me alone with Neville.

"It's addicting, used reccreationally. I dont think she's actually allowed to give it to you." Neville explained, pouring a pink liquid over a jaggy plant.

"Oh, free drugs. Sign me up. How much do I take?" I asked him, swirling the bottle around and staring at the mirky liquid.

"Just a sip." He wiped his hands off on his trousers. I sniffed it, then gagged at the pungent scent that wafted towards me. 

"Smells grim." I flinched, taking a sip. If the smell was bad the taste was ten times worse.

"I'll walk you back to the castle?" He offered as I held my closed fist over my mouth, trying to mask the disgusted look on my face.


four months since ive last been here, hows it been?

Flaming Hot // Ron x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now