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"So you and Ronald made up then?" Cormacs voice made me jump, I was on my bed flipping through some textbooks. I looked over at him standing in the doorway, a funny look on his face.

"Was that a bad choice? Should I not have done that?" I bit at the hangnail on my thumb.

"I think theres pros and cons." He said, his voice light as though he was talking to himself.

"What's the matter then?" I stared at him as he loomed in the doorway.

"I'm just concerned." He shook his head looking away from me and at the rug.

"I shouldnt've done it, I know, but I miss him so so much. You have no idea and theres that odd tension whenever we're in the same room, and then Hermione is put in a weird place like a go-between. I just miss out on so much. And trust me I know Ron, I know him so well, hes not pulling something." I rambled, trying to convince him. He began walking towards me, stumbling slightly. As he sat down beside me I gained a strong whiff of alcohol off his breath.

"Thirsty, were we?" I fixed the collar of his fleece, lifting his face to look at me.

"Whats the matter?" I whispered.

That was the brick that brought down the tower, his face slowly crumpled up before he hid it in his hands, his boddy shaking as he sobbed.

I froze, an awkwardness washing over me. I rested my hand on his back, it moved up and down as he gently cried.

"Tell me all about it." I urged him as he leant in towards me, now crying against my chest.

"It's you. You're my best friend, the only one I have. So so miserable.  And now Weasley get's you and you'll never speak to me because they all hate me!" He sat up, throwing his hands around. 

I blinked a few times, so many emotions washing over me. I was both flattered and offended.

"Cormac, sweetheart, look at me, come on." He looked over, breathing heavily.

"I'm not leaving you behind, I promise. They're not the fondest of you, I'll admit, but that wont stop me." I said, the tearstains on his cheeks made me want to find an excuse to flee the room, but I couldnt leave him on his own in this state.

"Arms up. Up-up." I told him, pulling off his fleece and leaving him in his T-shirt and Jeans.

"Under the covers now, there we go." He crawled shakily into my bed accepting the covers that I draped over him.

"Are you going to have kids, y/n?" He looked up and me groggily.

"Haven't given it much thought." I shook my head, but for some reason the question brought on embarassment.

"They'd love you a lot." He nodded, patting my hand. My cheeks burned.

"Why's that?" I asked him, moving my books over to the other side of the bed.

"Just.. comfy. I dont know the word. You're a very comfy personality, once you get used to the crabbyness." He spoke quietly, drifting to sleep. His words repeating in my head as I moved the bin over to be next to his head. "comfy".


"Why is Cormac McClaggen in your bed?!" Hermione stormed into the hall, her voice harsh but hushed. I glanced over at Ron who ahd stopped eating.

"He's heavily intoxicated." I said quietly. Hermione raised her eyebrows, wanting a better explination. 

"I bloody well know that he's heavily intoxicated, I walked in and he started blabbing on about how you'd make such a good mother." She frowned at me

"I really dont know why hes going on about me having children, it's freaked me out, I can't lie. He was really upset earlier, okay. I was going to bring him his dinner and send him homewards." I told her shuddering at the thought. 

"Children? Christ, your pregnant, aren't you? Bet it twins, or better, triplets!" Lee teased beside me, knowing it would get to me.

"Right, I've been put off my dinner." I picked a pea from my plate and threw it, with precision, at Lee. Hitting him square in the eye.

"You bitch, why's your aim so godric damn good?" He rubbed his eye. Everyone else stayed, strangely quite as I loaded up a plate for my guest.

"Say it." I addressed the table as they watched. 

"What?" Ron questioned, there was still tension between us despite our reconsiliation.

"Maybe, and its just a thought, but maybe you shouldnt hang around him anymore." Hermione braved.

"What a cruel thing to say." I muttered, leaving the room with my hands full.


dun dun duunnn

Du-rah- ma!

k bye

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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