Full to the Brim

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"Get up!" Ginny hit me with her pillow. I groaned rolling over, glancing at the empty bed.

"I forgot Hermione wasn't here, I was about to get her to fight you off." I sat up, staring at the empty side of the room.

"Yeah well, more room for us. Couldn't be sharing with a Prefect anyway, she'd make me follow the rules." Ginny sighed tying her tie around her neck.

"Because you were such a rule breaker." I raised an eyebrow but she just grinned and opened Hermione's old chest. I clambered out of bed and peered into the box, it was full to the brim with alcohol.

"How the hell did you get that in here, we were being searched at the gates by those bloody Aurors?" I stared in awe at the box.

"Harry leant me his invisibility cloak, didn't even ask why I needed it." She shrugged, I shook my head in disbelief then started to get changed. There was a knock at the door.

"You decent?" A voice called, I frowned. Ginny glanced at me then shouted back.

"Just come in Dean!" I had forgotten about Ginny and Dean. Ginny had gotten really close with him during the summer, next thing I know, Ron's complaining.

"Oh, hiya y/n." He nodded to me as I pulled a sweatshirt over my head.

"Yeah, Hi Dean." I waved my fingers before brushing through my hair, then braiding it down my back.

"What're you doing here?" Ginny frowned at him.

"I was going to walk you to breakfast." He said though he sounded almost confused.

"Oh right, okay." Ginny nodded following him out the door. I sighed to myself, and I could've sworn the room was so empty that it echoed.

I watered my plant with exactly three hundred millilitres of water, then headed down for breakfast. Passing through the loud common room that was full of noisy first years, beaming at each other.

"Morning Sunshine!" I heard Lee's voice call through the corridor. I spun on my heel greeting him with a smile.

"Long time, no see," I replied when he caught up with me, he put an arm over my shoulders.

"Well that's what you get for being shit at exams, isn't it?" He grinned, I had seen Lee exactly twice over the holidays, both times he had just walked straight into the house and sat down on the couch. I think his plan was to be so casual that he would go unnoticed, it didn't work, either of the times. And considering Malcom had never met Lee, it was quite a shock... the first time.

"How've you been?" He asked, I heard a giggle behind us and as we turned the corner I glanced back. Lavender and Parvati.

"Fine, went looking for wedding dresses with mum, she hated every one." The two behind us started to whisper, Lee frowned and nodded his head towards them. I shrugged.

"My mum has some catalogue thing from when my cousin got married, I'll tell her to send it round." He smiled dropping his arm as we reached the hall.

"Scone?" Ron held a plate up, a grin on his face. 

"Tell you what Hermione, our room feels empty without you." I smiled at her and turned to Ginny, Ron clearly followed my eye-line.

"Bloody hell, at breakfast?" Ron put his face in his palms, Ginny continued to kiss Dean, unaware of her brother.

"Leave her be." I nudged him.

"It's repulsive, I have been put off my food. I have never-" I cut him off by kissing him firmly on the lips.

"Better?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Much better." 

Both Harry and Hermione laughed, Ron frowned at both of them.

"She's got you whipped." Harry grinned. 

"At least I have a girlfriend." Ron remarked, I put my chin in my palm smiling at Hermione.

"You know who else has a girlfriend?" Harry raised one eyebrow, I could tell what was coming next.



Hermione handed me a potions book. Slughorn -the new potions proffesor- was introducing himself.

"-attention to detail in the preparation is the prerequisite of all planning." He stopped speaking as two people walked through the door. Ron and Harry.

"Ah. Harry my boy, I was beginning to worry. We've brought someone with us I see." Slughorn looked at Ron. Slughorn was acting like he new Harry. I heard a high pitched squeak from beside Hermione, Lavender was staring a Ron wide-eyed.

"Ron Weasley, sir. And honestly I'm a menace in potions, so I'm probably just gonna-" He turned away.

"Nonsense, we'll sort you out." Slughorn batted a hand at him.

"Any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine. Get your books out." Again Slughorn was being over friendly with Harry.

I was too distracted by Lavenders lingering eyes to see what happened next. Was she serious? Did she know I was within arms reach of her?

"Granger, sir." Hermiones hand went up.

"That one there is Veritaserum. It's a truth telling serum." She explained, then hesitated nudging me.

"That ones Polyjuice, can make you look like someone else. Its really hard to make because it takes for ever and you need somebodies hair, well DNA." I spoke up, I wasn't sure if Hermione was stuck or if she was just trying to get me involved.

"Thats Amortentia." She brought the attention back to her, thankfully. 

"The most powerful love potion in the world. Its rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them." I noticed both Hermione and a group of girls moving towards it. I looked around, was I supposed to follow? I looked over to Neville, who was just as puzzled as me. He caught my eye and shrugged. I managed to catch the last thing Hermione said.

"-burnt wood?" She was second guessing the smell.

"Now amortentia doesn't cause actual love, that would be impossible. But it does cause a powerful infactuation orobsession." Ron leant over to whisper to me.

"You must've nipped some of that in my tea." I looked at him, deadpan, then turned back to face Slughorn.

"And for that reason it is probably the most powerful potions in this room." He put the lid on and the group of girls retreated a little.

Flaming Hot // Ron x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now