such an arse

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"You alright, you seem a bit off?" Ron reached over the table, resting his hand on my own. The sudden contact sent shivers down my spine, my reaction was to pull my hand away slightly before stopping and letting us hold hands over the table.

"I'm not sure, just a bit tired, I think." I lied and avoided eye contact, looking around The Three Broomsticks. 

"We'll stop at Honeydukes before we leave?" He tried to gain my attention but I couldn't focus on just one thing. Recently my head had become a sort of waste ground for thoughts.

 Just six words from Bohemian Rhapsody,  "Put a gun against his head" were playing on a loop as a sort of backing track to all fifty thousand of the thoughts I had right now. Like; why am I not paying attention? I should really get fizzing whizzbees? ooh her hair is nice, I like the curls. Curls, Lavender has curls, Lavender has a big fat crush on Ron, God she's annoying, what was it that Cormac wanted this morning? He smokes, that's not good for you but it looks cool, I need to study, I wonder if Harry has caught Draco doing anything illicit recently, Oh yeah, Ron.

"Fizzing Whizzbees." I spat out the only coherent words that I could. Ron's eye twitched but he just downed the rest of his butterbeer.

"Come on then." He picked up my jacket helping me into it. He brushed off my shoulder smiling.

"What?" I looked at my shoulder trying to see if there was anything there.

"Nothing, the jacket suits you, that's all." He smiled, but I felt as though that wasn't what he wanted to say. As he opened the door the cold air blew past him, I watched as he pushed his hair back, I could see his bicep through his jacket.

"Why did you have to do that? Now it's 'anyway the wind blows.' That's bloody annoying." I spoke at a normal volume to begin with, before I trailed off muttering to myself.

"Crazy old bat, you're turning into." I know he was joking, but I wasn't so sure that he was completely wrong.


"Again?" Hermione laughed.

"This morning, came to ask me about you." I shrugged.

"Then you said that you liked him." Ron rested his chin on the table. Everyone looked at me, all of them with a different expression.

"Then you called me a prick." I raised an eyebrow, I wasn't actually annoyed, just keeping him on his toes.

"Well you were being a prick." Ron replied quickly, something told me he hadn't noticed I was joking.

"How was I?" I could feel multiple sets of eyes on us.

"You were chatting away happily with McClaggen, then I came in and you ignored me." Ron spoke quietly but it was loud enough for the people sitting close by to listen if they really tried.

I reached for what I thought was my potions book, knowing that I had Slughorn in just a few minutes. Harry slammed his hand down on top of it. I jumped retreating back. 

"Yours is there." He pulled his book towards him, I frowned.

"What are you hiding in there?" Hermione reached over prying it from his clasp. She flicked through it quickly, Harry grabbed it back but not before Hermione saw something.

"There's notes, all over it." She frowned Harry glared back.

"I found it like that. It's just little things, like two spoonfuls instead of three, or, or, uh, the other day when I told you to crush and not to cut." Harry held the book away from her with a scowl on his face.

"That's practically cheating." She said in a low voice.

"Yeah well, call me a cheater but at least I'll pass this year." He shrugged.

"Found helpful book's for any other classes?" I gave a breathy laugh.

"Why so you can ignore me?" Ron muttered.

"Oh piss off!" I said loudly a few other students turned to look. Ron got up and stormed away.

"Am I being stupid? Am I in the wrong or is he overreacting? Tell me the truth." I turned to Hermione.

"I think he's overreacting, how long did you 'ignore' him?" She asked, using air quotes.

"Twenty minutes, maybe?" I shrugged putting my head in my hands and resting my head on Harry's shoulder.

"Him." She nodded.

"Pretty pretty please, will you tell him to stop being such an arse." I asked Harry.

"Whatever." He said quietly.

Flaming Hot // Ron x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now