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Dumbledore blethered away, the same old waffle as every year. That old man's voice went in one ear and out the other. Maybe I had gotten used to the shrieks of Umbridge. I leant my head on Ron's shoulder, whispering to him.

"Missed you." He turned to me and grinned. It wasn't like we hadn't seen each other in all of the summer. My mum would spend nights at Malcoms, so Ron would come and see me.

 I stared across the table at the space, Where was Harry? I glanced over at Draco, he was already looking in our direction. I frowned and he returned the look. What did he do to Harry? Ron turned to see what I was looking at and Draco looked away. Pansy glared at me and shuffled closer to Draco.

"What?" Ron stared at the Slytherin table. 

"Just thinking about what Harry said about him, I mean it's not completely out of question." I shrugged, Ron turned his head to the side.

"Y/n, seriously, Harry's just paranoid." He whispered as Dumbledore rambled on.

I glanced back over, this time Blaise was watching me. I wonder, if Draco was a death eater, would Blaise know? I'm not sure that Draco was the type to share every little detail about his life with his friends but surely he had to tell somebody something like this. If this was the case.

"Let the feast begin!" Dumbledore shouted earning my attention. 

"Finally, I thought he'd never shut up." Ron muttered, Hermione gave him a look of warning.

"He's a spectacular wizard Ron, don't be rude." She scolded him,  but he wasn't listening. As expected he was stuffing his face, I joined him, with more manners of course, but never the less I helped myself.

We went on eating for a while, by the time we were on our third helping of jelly Hermione gave an exasperated sigh then picked up her book. I expected her to open it but instead, she began hitting Ron on the shoulder.

"Will you stop eating!" She whacked him with every word. Ginny and I looked at each other, amused by the encounter.

"Your best friend is missing!" She told him, but Harry was walking slowly into the hall with Luna, holding a bloody rag to his nose.

"Alright, turn around you lunatic." She spun quickly, gasping at Harry.

"He's covered in blood again, why is it he's always covered in blood?" Ginny's face fell.

"Where've you been? What happened to your face?" Hermione asked him worriedly. 

"Later, what have I missed?" He dismissed her, looking over to me.

"I don't know I wasn't listening." I shrugged, Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Sorting hat urged us to be brave and strong. Easy for him to say, he's a hat." Ron smiled. Everyone turned over to Dumbledore who was standing at the front of the hall.

"First off, I'd like to introduce our newest member of staff... Horace Slughorn." I sighed, opening my copy of The Quibbler. I realised that some pages were written so that you had to turn the magazine on its side or upside down every few words. The last few times I had read it I hadn't been interested enough to investigate. 

"Tom Riddle," Dumbledore announced making me look up at Ginny, I wasn't sure what he was talking about but it couldn't be good. 

"Today he is known by another name. Which is why I stand, looking over all of you tonight. i am reminded of a sobering fact. Every day, every hour. Dark forces attempt to penetrate the castle walls, but in the end, their greatest weapon is you. Just something to think about." I frowned, Dumbledore had a way with words. Everything inspirational was also threatening in a way. For one thing, it sounded as though he just told us we would be weaponised by the Dark lord.

"Now off to bed. Pip-pip." He smiled at us all.

"What a wonderful bedtime story, don't you think?" I muttered. Everyone began to get up, leave the room. I watched Harry, he walked closely behind Ginny who was now arm in arm with Dean Thomas. Draco, however, was still sitting at his table, deep in thought.

"How's my plant getting on?" Neville caught my attention, walking out the hall by my side.

"Pretty good. It has one leaf, sort of a reddish-purple colour. I'll show you tomorrow, we're in the same herbology, yeah?" I double-checked, he nodded.

"Last class of the day." He smiled, letting me onto the stairs before him. He looked behind me then frowned.

"What happened to Harry?" I followed his gaze to the top of the stairs where Ginny was wiping the blood away from his face.

" Oh, nothing too bad,  just Harry's luck." I sighed, still not entirely sure what had happened.

Flaming Hot // Ron x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now