Keith Richards

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"Don't you get cold out here?" I asked the shadowy outline of Cormac. The figure spun around, cigarette smoke wafting my way.

"Well, now I have you to keep me warm." He chuckled moving so I could sit beside him and gaze over the grounds from the astronomy tower.

"Heard you stood up for me?" I nudged him, a slight smile crossing my face.

"You owe me."

"Oh do I?"

"Erm, yeah? Ron might be smaller than me but I know that if it came down to it he could absoloutely deck me."

"But he didnt."

"Yeah well I still risked it, didnt I?" He gave me a small shove. I tried to look at him, the shadows that were cast over his face made it difficult but I could tell he had a small smile.

"Thanks, McClaggen."

We sat in silence, the breeze whistling past us. I gained the occasional heat of Cormac blowing smoke in my direction to annoy me.

"Why d'you smoke, Cormac?" 

"Addicted." He shrugged.

"No, like, it's a muggle thing, right? So how come you got into it?" I watched a guilty smile growing on his face.

"Whats that look?"

"I knew this girl. I met her over Christmas last year." The smile grew wider.

"She had the biggest crush on Keith Richards, you know, the Rolling Stones." He mimicked guitar playing.

"Im vaugely familiar." I nodded.

"Anyway, I wated to impress her but I look nothing like Keith Richards and I can't play guitar." I nodded along, sensing where he was going.

"So I started to smoke, because it was either that or cocaine." He sighed, still grinning.

"Did it work?"

"Godric, no! Snogged her best mate at New Years though." He laughed loudly.

"So this 'mione sort of thing happens often?" I asked quietly.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" 

"Just being fixated on one specific girl, but not letting it stop you from pulling half the girls in Ravenclaw." He looked surprised for a minute before laughing just as loudly as before.

"I'm a creature of habit." He shook his head, I allowed myself to chuckle too.

The creak off the door behind us, and the sudden beam of light, made us both turn.

"D'you mind if we have a quick little chat?" An all too familiar voice said. Ron.

"Sure." I nodded, I hadn't even been aware that I was going to answer.

"No, sorry. I meant with McClaggen." He shook his head. I looked over to Cormac, who shrugged and nodded simultaniously.

"If either of you gets hurt, I'll kill the other." I patted Cormacs arm and barged past Ron, avoiding eye-contact. 

I closed the creaky door that Ron had just come from, going slowly to see if I could catch the beginning of the conversation but it was hopeless. The corridors were warmer after being outside, the common room was the cosiest with the fire going of course.

"Dont suppose you can tell me why Ron and Cormac are 'having a chat', Harry?" I asked, flopping onto the couch beside him.

"Have you been smoking?" Harry asked, dismssing my own question.

"No, you doughnut. Cormac." I replied taking my jumper off, knowing the scent was clinging to it.

"I dont know why or how you put up with him." Hermione looked over her book, moving her eyebrows excessively.

"That reminds me actually, 'mione, you and Fred?" I asked her, I didnt have many details on the sneaky romance between the two.

"No. And dont mention it again." She said firmly, avoiding Harry's gaze as he looked quickly between us. I narrowed my own eyes, curious as to how many details I could get on this later on without being the one to bring it up.

"Are you coming to the House-Cup game?" Harry asked me, tapping his wand on my leg as he did.

"Sure, as long as you win." 

"What do I get if we win?" Harry asked, continuing to drum on my leg.

"You get..." I looked around the room for insporation.

"The pissing trophy? I dont know, what do you want?" I brushed him away from my leg.

"Dunno." He shrugged, making me laugh.


I mean youre welcome

xoxo A

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