friends say hi

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To Mum

I'm tired so no details. I fell out with Ron and I think I'm going crazy.

Did you find a house yet? How are the wedding plans? Let me know if you need any help.

I love you, tell Malcom I say hello

Your favorite (and only) daughter,


"Well that is straight to the point." Cormac read over my shoulder.

"Are you following me?" I put my letter into an envelope.

"No darling, I came here to send my own mother a letter." He waved a sheet of paper infront of my face. I grabbed it from him.

"Send this for me." I handed him my letter before opening his, he looked as though he was going to grab it back but seemed to reason otherwise.

Dear Mum

All is well thanks for asking. I didn't get onto the quidditch team, one of those Weasley boys bet me.

My friends say Hi, love Cormac.

"Your friends say hi, do they?" I mocked aware of his lack of friends.

"She worries I'm not social enough."" He put air quotes around social.

"She'd be right, all you seem to do is read, smoke and pine after 'mione." I handed him the letter back.

"That's not true, I've also recently developed a habit of speaking to you. Who knows why?" He shook his head.

"Because I'm irresistible." I patted him on the shoulder leaving him in the owlrey.

"There you are." I saw Lee approach me.

"Have you been looking for me?" I asked him.

"What happened between you two?" Lee jumped straight to it.

"Lee?" I rolled my eyes.

"You were sat with that McClaggen boy, and Ron was practically shooting daggers out his eyes at you this morning." Lee explained his sudden concern.

"Nothing we'll figure it out." I said.

"'That McClaggen boy.' it's got a nice ring to it." I heard Cormac's voice echo down the corridor.

"Sorry mate." Lee just nodded to him as he walked by us.

"If you had better social skills he'd know your name." I smirked.

"Starting to sound like my mother, darling." He turned the corner.

"What was that?" Lee asked the second he was out of earshot.

"It was me referring to a conversation we had earlier." I frowned.

"Right." Lee nodded.


Sorry it's not long and sorry it's late, I thought I published it obviously not. Have a good new year! I don't know if any of that made sense, I'm a bit tipsy and I can't see the le tters on the key board.

Bye bye

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