that pig that she loved

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I followed Hermione into the coomon room, sitting down beside her, very aware of Rons presence in the armchair opposite.

"How was it?" He asked Harry.

"Fine, a bit dull." He shrugged, his jacket making that noise again.

"Harry can you take off your jacket? I'm about to go mad." I asked him, he frowned.

"I'm hopped up on a bloody focusing potion, so that I could listen to Slughorn for once, but all I could focus on was your bloody jacket, my itchy ankle and Blaze grining his teeth away to nothing." I said quickly, Hermione sat forward as Harry took off his jacket.

"Y/n?" Hermione looked directly at me, concerned.

"I got it from Sprout, don't worry, I won't do it again." I rolled my eyes. She squinted her own.

"Try chewing gum." Ron spoke up, looking at me.

"Fred does it, it blocks out all the little noises, so all you can hear is your own chewing and whoever is speaking." Ron didn't shift his gaze, presumably he was trying not to look at Harry's shocked face.

I thought for a minute, narrowing my eyes at Ron.

"Where's McClaggen?" He said before I could decide if I was speaking to him or not.

"Trying it on with one of the Carrows." Harry answered the question I didnt know the answer to.

"Which one?" I asked him.

"Hestia." Harry nodded, a slight grimance on his face.

"Good Godric, they are creepy. And he's trying to spend the night with one?" I shuddered.

"Well, he was reading 'The Shining' not too long ago, maybe it's a weird fantasy of his." Hermione laughed.

Ron gave a fake laugh and stared into the fire, avoiding my stare. I really was starting to miss him. I used to sit in that chair with him, he wouldnt've avoided my stare then or given such a fake laugh. I felt a lump in my throat as I looked away from him.

"I'm going to bed." I said quietly, moving quickly away from the group.

Cormacs pov

"Do you want to pet him?" Hestia held the ugly creature up to me, an eary grin on her face, her free hand on my arm.

"No, I think I'll head back to my dorm, Flora." I said hesitantly, deliberatley getting her name wrong so she wouldnt come any where near me ever again. Her pale face dropped as she put the weird animal away.

"Go on then." She said, her scratchy voice should've been enough put me off in the first place. I left quickly.

I stopped at the library picking up a book for Dark Arts. I liked the library best at night. Only older students used it at night, and the candle light on the leatherbound books made them even more appealing.

As I entered the common room I could see y/n watching Ron. I don't really understand what the dynamic was between the pair. He was sort of loud and stupid, and he has terrible jokes. But y/n was quiet and she thought quickly, and her jokes are anything but terrible. But less than three hours ago she was crying over him, she was crying over him

Just as the thought  of her crying entered my mind she rose from her place and headed for the dorms, tears in her eyes. I went to follow her when my name was called. Potter.

"Any luck with Carrow?" He asked a grin on his face. Why was he talking to me?

"Godric, no. She gave me the creeps." I shook my head glancing toward the dorms.

"Did you know y/n was on that potion?" Hermione turned around, her face acusational. Her lovely face. I don't know what it is that makes her so perfect.

"Yes?" I sat down, I could tell this took her by surprise but she was trying not to show it.

"Is she alright?" Harry asked me. 

"It's just, she spends more time with you than she does with us." He added.

"Yeah, wonder what the pair of you get up to?" Ron spat looking away from the fire for the first time.

"No, she's not alright. She's both overthinking and uderthinking absolutely everything, she thinks she's going mental, she's pretty much pissing her schoolwork down the drain and that pig, that she loved, told her to piss off instead of helping her out." I pointed my finger at Ron, who stood up threateningly. I also stood up, using my height as an advantage.

"No!" Harry jumped between us quickly. I turned away from him almost immediatly, following where the crying y/n had just gone moments before.

Authors note

Cormac was fully ready to fight for his one and only friend. Also i reckon that some times Cormac visits the library just to sniff books.

also i got my nails done today and they are not the blue i wanted and they are too short, thats a thrilling story for you.


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