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Bit of a change in... maturity? Nothing actually happens but just a heads up for sexual content.

"Here we go, Neville." I brought the plant into the common room along with exactly one hundred millilitres of water. I popped it on the window sill for its one hour of sun.

"Thank you, Y/n. I know I should really do it myself but I'd just keep forgetting." He bent down looking at it very closely but not touching it.

"Will it be alright here for the hour?" Neville looked around, that boy really liked his plants.

"It'll be fine. Neville, you never did say what it was?" We left the common room, he looked afraid.

"Well, it's Venomous Tentacula." I slowed to a halt.

"Why on earth would you want that?" He scratched the back of his neck, the same thing Ron does when he's nervous.

"I'm going to monitor it and record its growth from six months to a year." I sighed at his explanation. I couldn't be annoyed with him.

"You're the only person I know who wouldn't touch the plant if I told you not to. Apart from Luna but Xenophilius might, so I couldn't risk it." I nodded, a big red button wouldn't tempt me, well it might but I wouldn't press it. Only bad things come from red buttons.

"Fair enough, but next time I grow a poisonous plant for you, tell me." I nodded.

"Venomous," he corrected me.



"How did Slughorn know you, Harry?" I muttered to him as Ron was distracted and talking to Seamus.

"What d'you mean?" He asked, avoiding eye contact.

"Harry?" I urged him.

"Family friend." He shrugged still avoiding me. I almost told him he didn't have a family, then remembered the Sirius incident and decided to keep the sarcasm to myself.

Ron sat down beside me and Harry stood up.

"I'll probably be back later, Dumbledore wants me, but don't wait up for me." Harry left Ron and me in the common room, there were two first years watching him go.

"Do you think he ever gets fed up with people looking at him?" I asked as Harry walked slowly from the room. Ron nodded, I looked over to the first years they were hovering at the common room door, clearly debating whether to follow or not.

"You've seen him now, yeah? If you want another look I can get you a photo!" I shouted to them, they both blushed and one hung his head in shame of being caught.

"You can't bully the first years," Ron muttered pulling me onto his lap.

"Sorry, Prefect," I muttered, resting my head on his chest. He played with my hair.

"I can forge his signature if you'd like an autograph!" I called to them, Ron laughed then pointed a stern finger at me.


"Have I ever told you I like your hair like this?" He asked me giving it a tug. I gave him a fake scowl and sat up.

"Yes, you have." I stared at him, beginning to undo the braid.

"What?" He pressed his forehead against my own.

"Why don't we take advantage of the fact you have a room to yourself?"I asked him, a small smile grew on his face. 

"Then I wouldnt have it to myself." He raised an eyebrow, being difficult.

"That's the point." I wrapped my arms around his neck. He smiled into a kiss, before taking my hand and pulling me to his room.

He pressed me against the door kissing me harshly, his hand running up and down my thigh. He picked me up moving me over to the wall, I gasped as the cold stone hit my back. I pulled Rons shirt off, then my own. Ron began to undo my bra when there was a knock at the door.

"Ron! Is y/n in there I need to speak to her!" Harry shouted. We both held in laughs and Ron put his hand over my mouth but continued to kiss my neck.

"I know your in there, a first year saw you come in!" The door handle rattled and Ron put me down and covered me with his shirt, right as the door swung open. My hair deshevled and Ron's shirt half hanging off, I probably shouldve stood behind Ron but I think it was a bit too late. Harry looked between us a few times beore it clicked. 

"Oh my God! You could've said something!" He stood infront of us in disbelief.

"Go wait in the common room, I'll be out in a second." I instructed him. He took a few steps backwards, cleary embarassed.

"Is it really more important?" Ron wrapped his arm around my waist as I scraped my hair into a ponytail.

"Of course it is, he's the chosen one." I joked kissing him quickly, before walking towards the door.

"Y/n, your um, your boob's sort of..." He pointed at his shirt, that I had yet to button up. I laughed, buttoning it together. I looked between Ron and the place where Harry once stood,

"Sorry, Ronnie." I sighed quickly leaving the room.

"Rain check!" I called to him as I rushed into the common room.

"What, Harry?" I sat down beside him, his face bright red. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didnt-" he started.

"Don't mention it or its worse for all of us." I nodded.

"I dont know why but I have to tell someone, and you are on my side with the Draco thing so..." He slowed down, I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Dumbledore made me look in a pensieve, at Tom Riddle when he was maybe ten or eleven. Uh, Dumbledore was telling him he was a wizard, that Tom was magical." I frowned at him, wondering why I was being told all of this.

"Then Dumbledore told me that when Tom went to Hogwarts him and Slughorn were close. Anyway, long sory short I'm now spying on Slughorn." None of what Harry was saying made much sense at all.

"Oh and Slughorn really is an old family friend."

"Am I allowed to ask further questions?" I looked at him, he squinted his eyes, thinking for a moment.



I know, i know. you were robbed, cry me a river. Also I mentioned in stone cold that I was leaving chapters on cliffhangers so that you got to decide what they did next. Now clearly in this chapter they were about to and had done before. This won't be a theme that's visited very often, but it will happen on occasion and it will be mentioned of course I'll let you know at the beginning of the chapter.

Hope youre enjoying everything so far.

bye bye x

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