the stripes

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"Where are you off to?" Ron asked me, Hermione and Harry were sitting on the floor in front of us chatting away to each other. Mostly about Harry's potions book, it had belonged to a past student and there were scribbles all over it, corrections of the original recipes. 

"Library." I shrugged.

"I'll come with you, then." He said enthusiastically.

"No, Ron," I mumbled, the last time he came with me to study he spoke the whole time, didn't even open a book.

"Quiet as a mouse, promise." He smiled at me brightly.

"I need to study, Ron. I'm lucky I got into half the classes that I did." I reached around the side of the couch, grabbing my backpack. He sighed reaching his hand out, grabbing my wrist gently.

"Well come see me after." I rolled my eyes, it wasn't the reaction I think he was expecting.

"Why are you being like that? Am I not allowed to see my girlfriend?" He grumped, Hermione turned to see what we were arguing about.

"Not when I'm busy, no. I need to focus, in complete silence. I'll see you in the morning." I tugged my hand away, I heard him scoff. 

"Are you alright?" I heard a girl ask, I looked up. Lavender Brown. Was she being genuine? I didn't know her well enough to tell. She emerged from the portrait hole.

"I'm fine, I just have studying to do," I said blankly walking past her.

"The library is closed just now, a load of the first years set off stink bombs." She said quietly, I muttered thanks to her and went back to the common room.

"Library's closed, you're stuck with me." I sat in front of Harry, Ron was refusing to look in my direction.

"Why don't you study in your room?" Harry asked me, I sighed.

"Ginny and Dean," I said quietly so that Ron wouldn't hear and go storming up there.

"Study in mine, I'll kick you out if it's too late." Hermione smiled, I took her offer glancing at Ron one last time before I left.

I sat in the silent room, thinking not studying like I said I would. I'm not sure how I failed my OWL's, it's not like I was completely stupid. I just thought I could get away with not doing the studying.

Why couldn't I tell Ron why I was annoyed at Lavender yesterday? Why did I tell Hermione about how I felt and I didn't go to Ron?

Why did it feel like every thing was falling apart?

I stared at the stone wall, tears brimming in my eyes for no good reason.

I heard the door rattling and Hermione walked in.

"It's half past ten, so out you go." She started speaking before she had entered.

"I've been here for two hours?" I stood up, I noticed my hands shaking.

"Just about, yes." Hermione frowned.

"Right, okay. Thanks." I nodded picking up my stack of unopened books.

"Ron's still in the common room if you want to talk to him." She nodded at me.

"Will do." I left her room my heart thudding. As I entered the common room I felt myself burning up.

"About time." He smiled a little, as if he was apologizing.

"Sorry." I sat down, opposite him. My hands still shaking, heart still thudding at twice it's rate and I was absolutely roasting.

"You weren't shit, you played really well." I took back my sarcastic comment from earlier.

"I knew you were only kidding." He smiled at me.

"I feel like I kid to often though. You tell me you love me and I reply with 'I hate you'. I mean that's horrible, isn't it, sarcastic or not." I began to fidget with my hands.

"Yeah but that's just how we are isn't it? We've always been like that." He frowned, I began to chew on a hangnail.

"Don't start doing that again." He pulled my shaking hand away from my mouth. Suddenly, I felt completely overwhelmed.

"Goodnight," I stood up walking quickly from the room, gasping for air that I hadn't realized I was deprived from.

Clutching my chest I sunk down the wall, tears spilling down my face.

What's happening? Why can't I breathe?

I stood up and climbed the stairs slowly, wobbling as I went.

In and out. I tried to coach myself, a reminder of how to breath but I wasn't reacting the way I wanted.

"Ginny! I can't breathe!" I gasped stumbling into out room, I could tell she was sitting with Dean but that wasn't important.

"What? What happened!?" She hurried over placing her hand on my back, I shrunk away from her.

"Nothing! Nothing, I was just sitting and then I got really hot and then I couldn't breathe and then I started crying and I still can't breathe!" I gasped again. Terrified.

I could hear Ginny and Dean talking, I couldn't hear what they were saying. I felt two arms wrap around me and hold me tightly.

"It alright." Dean whispered, Ginny was no longer in the room.

No, why did Dean have to be here?

"I'm sorry- I can't stop. I'm sorry." I sobbed, my breathing still ragged.

"Ginny's getting Ron." He whispered again.

"No, no, no." I squirmed away from him.

Ron can't know.

"Don't get Ron, please, no don't." I stood up, I hadn't even realized I was on the ground.

"It's fine, it's okay I'll make sure she doesn't. Just sit back down and..." He pulled his jumper off and left it on the floor infront of me.

"Count the stripes, yeah."

Count the fucking stripes? I feel like my lungs are being ripped out, and I have to count the stripes.


I heard footsteps coming towards the room, I looked up to see Dean standing in the doorway. Ginny was behind him, like she was hiding.

"Do you know the alphabet?" Dean sat down beside me again, I wasn't gasping anymore but my breathing was still shakey.

Do I look stupid?

"Try saying it backwards." Dean said, his voice calm.

"Zyxw...vutsr, uh, qpo-"  I stopped, noticing my completely normal breathing.

Ginny was still hovering in the doorway, Dean was looking at her aswell. I felt the embarrassment set in, very suddenly.

"Sorry, er, thanks, Dean." I stood up quickly and walked into the bathroom wiping my eyes.

I waited till I was sure he'd left before coming out of the bathroom.

"D'you want to talk?" Ginny sat up in her bed.

"No." I said bluntly. Without changing into my pajamas, I climbed into my bed, exhausted from whatever that was.

"Tell Dean, thank you." I whispered I to the dark.


There's a lot to unload here but I think all I'm going to say is...

What do you call pajamas? Personally I call them jammies but lmk.

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