happy without me

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Hey hunny,

I'm sure you'll be alright, but I'm just a letter away.

The wedding plans are going pretty well, I need you home at Christmas to help me pick my dress. And yours.

Malcom and I miss and love you lots, bye.

I folded the letter in half then slid it into my pocket. I looked into the fire thinking for a moment.

"Y/n, did you get the memo?" Harry sat down beside me, I frowned.

"What?" I looked at him.

"First quidditch match is two weeks on Sunday." He smiled, pure excitement radiating from him.

"That's great. Who are you playing?" I crossed my legs.

"Slytherin, but I think we'll be fine." He didn't sound too convinced but at least he was still happy.

"Course we will, you've got me." Ginny came over, grinning. Ron was behind her, buy he said nothing. He just sat in the armchair.

"Harry did you get the notes for potions?" Ron asked suddenly.

"No, I didn't." He said slowly, reminding us if his cheating ways.

"I did." I looked at Ron, one eyebrow raised, as if I were daring him to respond. He stared back, blankly.

"Would you like them, Ronnie?" I said, he cleared his throat.

"Yeah, alright." He nodded, I scoffed.

"Thanks." He nodded again looking down.

"I'll go and get them." I stood up, holding my stare.

"I'll just come with you." He said, surprising me.

I carried on, him following me silently.

"Sorry, Ron." I said handing him my parchment.

"Why? Why are you sorry?" He asked me.

"Because I was avoiding you for three days." I admitted, hesitating before I looked up.

"D'you know why I didn't get these notes?" He asked, sitting on my bed.

"Why's that?" I sat cross legged opposite him.

"Because I was staring at you, thinking about you. And you were just writing away. D'you know why I missed breakfast for the first time since I've been at Hogwarts?" He asked, he was completely calm but there was a coldness.

I shook my head.

"I was watching you. You sat with McClaggen. You spoke with him, you smiled with him. D'you know why I am so upset?" He asked me his voice still calm.

"What's the matter?" I reached out my hand and took his.

"I don't think you've thought about me once, since we fell out." He hesitated.

"No." I shook my head.

"That's not true." He pulled his hand away from me, but I took his other one.

"You were so happy without me." He looked away from me. My eyes pricked with tears.

"No, Ron. That's not true." My voice cracked.

"But it is." He sighed.

"No, no. There are other people are in my life, that can be responsible for my happiness." I tried to reason.

"So I never made you happy, it was everyone else?" He was angry now, I looked at him with pleading eyes.

"That's not what I-"

Flaming Hot // Ron x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now