name's Lisa

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"Professor Slughorn?" I walked into his classroom, unaware of the first year students that were hard at work.

"Oh sorry, sir." I apologized freezing at the doorway.

"No no, come on in. This lot can tend to themselves for a moment of two." He smiled kindly.

"Would you mind marking this, it's only half done but I want to make sure I'm on the right track." I asked handing him my parchment.

"Ah, y/n. Harry's friend." He glanced at my name at the top of the paper. I nodded.

Looking around the classroom felt odd. Everyone was smiling, full of joy. Not a sign if conflict.

"This looks perfectly fine to me, but I will mark and return it to you tomorrow night at the Slug Club dinner." He grinned wildly. Though he was old his eyes were full of life.

"Oh was I invited to that, sir?" I asked him, knowing Harry had mentioned me.

"Oh yes and bring that... McCoy?" He frowned searching his brain.

"McClaggen?" I helped.

"Yes yes. I'll see you both at eight o'clock, my office. Remarkable work." He smiled at my parchment, before looking behind me, panicked.

"Josephine! Don't put that in there! It'll blow the whole classroom up!" He shouted, rising from his seat.

"Thank you sir." I nodded leaving him to it. Taking one last look at the grinning first years.


I walked into the Great hall, I wasn't particularly hungry but it was dinner time.

I absentmindedly walked over to Hermione. I was too close to turn around when I noticed my mistake.

I sat down beside Harry, looking directly at Ron.

"Y/n!"Hermione gasped.

"Yes darling. Pass me the mash?" I reached out as she handed me the bowl, a small smile on her face.

"What are you doing?" Ron asked, a judgemental tone laced through his voice.

"Eating my dinner." I said calmly.

"Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend?" He spat.

There it was again, that feeling. The not angry, sad or delusional feeling.

I just smiled at him sweetly.

"I know you, y/n. Stop acting all nicey nicey to get a rise out of me, for your own sadistic satisfaction." He muttered quietly. I felt a pang in my chest, but I ignored it.

"Okay, hun." I patted his hand and turned to Harry.

"I was speaking to Slughorn, he invited me to tomorrow's dinner." I told him.

"Oh you're going too?" Hermione asked. I nodded.

"Is McClaggen?" Harry asked, grinning slightly as Ron stiffens.

"Should be." I nodded. My wand was digging into my side, I took it from the waistband of my skirt and place it on the table.

Ron picked it up the second it out it down. Brushing his hand over the gold rose that he had given me years ago. I had gotten so used to it being there I hadn't even thought about taking it off.

"You can have it back if you like." I said quietly, I didn't really mean it. I wanted to keep it. I wanted to keep him as well, but that was just selfish.

He shook his head handing it back. His jaw was clenched.

"Piss off, y/n." He muttered, I sighed standing up.

"Come up tonight, Hermione. Speak to me and Gin." I nodded to her.


Music was blaring through the common room. Multiple drunk students dancing violently.

"Since when did people through common room parties for no reason on a Wednesday night?" Cormac asked. I shrugged. A student beside me began to gag.

I squealed standing on the couch using Cormac's shoulders for support. The boy stalked away still spultering.

"Did you just shriek?" Cormac laughed at me perched on the couch.

"Well that bloke just tried to vomit on me." I shook my head but I didn't move. We stood facing the havoc of the common room for few minutes. Cormac's back to my chest, my hands in his shoulders as I gazed uneasily around.

"No offence sweetheart, but get away from me." Cormac grinned at me.

"Hmm?" I frowned at him.

"Look at Leona over there. She wants a shag and I know it. I can't have her thinking we're together." He gestured to a girl that was glancing over at us.

"Her names Lisa." I shook my head.

"You disgust me." I added.

"Why thank you dear. Now go find an other one of your friend so I can get my leg over." He nodded his head to the side, gesturing for me to leave.

"Well, just for that-" I kissed him on the cheek, and brushed his arm as I walked away. He stuck his middle finger up at me.

I glanced over at Lisa who now looked unsure of the approaching boy.


Got my results back from one of my exams...big fat fail. 22% in physics. Mmmm, I'll live.

Spoiler warning.. y/n and Cormac will not get together, I pinky promise.

K bye

Flaming Hot // Ron x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now