beetle root

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"Ginny, finally. I've been looking everywhere, is it someone's birthday?" I asked her looking round the busy common room.

"I dunno." She shrugged, looking over at dean who was approaching with two cups.

"If that's that green stuff from the cauldron, a second year spiked it with something. Probably nothing harmful, just a prank." I told Dean before he drank.

"If you saw someone spiking it, why didn't you do anything?" He asked putting the drinks down.

"Oh, I was completely zoned out. I don't actually remember it happening but I know I saw it." I slowed down scratching my head. The more time I spent with Cormac the less I notice myself spacing out. He doesn't point it out, he just stops talking or leaves me alone.

"Right well. I'll be back in a second." Dean nodded, to us both.

"I think I'm breaking up with Dean!" Ginny said quickly in a hushed voice there second he left.

"What?!?" This came as a shock to me. Most nights the pair were together, they both seemed pretty happy.

"He's so boring, and sensible." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to give him a week, maybe. Then I'll decided." She nodded.

"Do you want to talk about it or..." I was sure how to offer help in this situation.

"No, don't bother about me. I'll figure it out. And if I don't well... You'll hear me crying myself to sleep." Ginny smiled, but the smile was vaguely familiar. It was a pretend one, without a lot of effort to conceal the confusion in her mind.

"Touché." I smiled back.

"I think I'll just go to bed, actually. Unless you want me to stay here and save you from Mr boring?" I raised an eyebrow, hoping she'd let me go.

"I think I'll survive." She laughed, her eyes leaving me and focusing on dean behind me.


"Morning, Professor Sprout. Neville." I nodded to the two people already in the greenhouse.

"Hiya, you're up early given last night's festivities." Neville smiled.

"I turned in early, what was that all about anyway?" I asked, looking down at the plant he was repotting.

"I think it was someone's birthday." He shrugged, untangling the pink roots that had snaked up his arm.

"There was a party on a Wednesday night?" Professor Sprout frowned.

"Yes ma'am, drinks were poured, stomachs were turned and music was blaring." Neville said poetically without looking up.

The teacher chuckled. They were obviously close with one another. Given the amount of time Neville spends with plants, it didn't surprise me.

"Actually Professor, do you have any beetle root?" I tapped a wooden crate, avoiding her gaze.

"I have some, yes. What sort of focusing potion are you making, I tend not to give it out to students, they use it for pulling all nighters." She said sternly but her face remained kind.

"I keep spacing out, you know. I can't really keep a conversation going for long, else I just go blank." I glanced at Neville.

"I have a dinner tonight with Slughorn, it's important and I'd like to take everything in." I said hesitantly, Sprout frowned for a moment.

"I'll give you the tiniest amount I can, it's a simple potion so you brew and take it down here, so that I can keep an eye on you." She agreed, I nodded gratefully.

"Thank you, professor." Neville said. I looked at him, we weren't extremely close but I've always valued Neville.

"Come and see me at lunch, you can make it then. Come again an hour before your dinner to take what you need. I hope you find it helpful." She nodded, I could hear students heading towards us. Neville brushed his hands off.

"Allow me." I said, gesturing for him to hold his hands still.

"Scourgify." I said clearly pointing my wand at his dirty hands, the mess vanished.

"See you at lunchtime." I nodded great fully at the professor, before leaving with Neville close behind me.


Filler chapter, but also recognizing and treating a problem. I'd say that's pretty good for six hundred words.

This has nothing to do with the story but I've had a really productive day. I ate breakfast ( that's rare for me), I made pavlova's, went for a walk, painted, read and rewatched 3 episodes of daredevil. I'm so annoyed that it's coming off Netflix, it's been my comfort show for years and now I have to find a new one, I'm not too good with that kind of change.

That's all, buh bye.

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