Chapter 2

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"That one's supposed to be wakin' up by now ain't she?"

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"That one's supposed to be wakin' up by now ain't she?"

"It's been a couple of hours, a few of them woke up on the drive here, had to inject them."

Someone is talking. Two, two people are talking. I can only hear their voices faintly. My eyes are shut, and I can't feel anything. What's going on? My mind swivels, and in an instant, everything comes back to me. I was made unconscious. I don't know where I am or who I'm hearing right now. Do I even want to open my eyes up to this hell?

My consciousness starts to fade back in slowly, and I only start to feel my body a little now. With my senses coming back to me, I feel that I'm on the floor. Or at least, I assume so, because the ground beneath me is hard and cool. I'm desperate to move, to see and hear what's going on, but I still can't move properly. What is going on? 

I sniff in through my nose, noticing that the itching from before has not yet recovered. I go to move my fingers, and two of them move, but only ever so slightly. My body must've given away that I was awake when I groaned a little because the mutters I could hear stopped and I could sense eyes on me. 

"Hey, hey I think she's awake." Someone says. I think it was a man, his voice was quite deep but also sounded a bit grubby. I tried moving again, this time my legs and managed to slide my right leg up a little. My movements didn't last long, and before I could try again, I heard footsteps nearing where I was lying. Quickly enough, my left arm was grabbed by two strong hands, followed by someone grabbing my right arm too. I was violently pulled up and propped up on both my knees while my arms were held up to stop me from slumping.

I heard another pair of footsteps getting closer. Another person was here.

"Is this one awake yet? We're starting the fucking thing in less than ten minutes." A man's voice, again. He sounded mad. I heard the people beside me stutter a couple of times, then I felt a presence in front of me. Someone was kneeling before me. I could both feel it and see the shade covering my eyelids.

Stunning me fast with the force, my chin is grabbed by someone's hand and my face is tilted upwards and held up high, which shakes me and I open my eyes in panic. There's a man in front of me. Tall. He's tall, that's what I can tell straight away. I scan his body, taking in his look, in case I'll need it after I escape wherever it is I am. 

Fortunately, I still have some sense in me. 

He's dressed in a navy suit, tie and pants, over a baby blue dress shirt. His face is chiselled with a sharp chin and jawline. His hair is short and holds a dirty blonde, slightly brown colour. He holds my chin up, tapping his fingers on the bottom. He notices that I'm awake when his eyes find mine, and he grins.

"Ah, what do we owe the pleasure for such beauty, hm?" My face turns to a confused frown, and the man chuckles, letting my chin go and making my head drop down from the complete loss of energy in me. 

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