Chapter 85

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I've been counting down the days so impatiently since I spoke to Harlow in her office about my driving lessons at the start of this week

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I've been counting down the days so impatiently since I spoke to Harlow in her office about my driving lessons at the start of this week. We spoke on Tuesday, and I was so eager for driving lessons, so I took the first availability Harlow gave me - which happened to be Saturday.

Now it's Saturday morning and I'm nervous as hell.

From the moment I left Harlow's office this week I've been researching everything I could find out about driving. It might sound a little stupid, given you learn these things along the way anyway, but I wanted to be super prepared. And I didn't want to look like I knew nothing. And since it wouldn't just be me and Harlow in the car, but someone else too, I need to make a good impression and actually look like I know what I'm doing. Harlow told me she couldn't teach me to drive independently, but she'd arranged for a driving instructor to teach me and mentioned she'd do her best to attend most of my driving lessons to be there for me.

Which was something I would have never imagined coming out of Harlow's mouth. It was sweet, and Harlow wasn't often sweet. She wasn't sweet at all - not until recently.

I shake my head and focus on getting ready. I've been thinking a whole lot lately, it might just be too much.

My makeup and hair are already done, and I've put on a sweatshirt and a pair of joggers, just to be comfortable. All I need to do is pack a small bag with some essentials in case I need them, and I should be ready to go.

Harlow told me to meet her outside of the mansion at 9 AM, and it was only 8:40 AM, meaning I still had a few minutes left to get ready before heading downstairs.

My nerves spiral as I think about all the different ways this day could go, and I'm only hoping it goes one of the more positive ways I've thought about; not that there's been many.

I add all my essentials into a small bag, then hang it over my shoulder and take a look in the mirror to make sure I look okay. And astonishingly, I do. My hair is straightened, falling smoothly at my back, and my makeup is minimal, almost looking like I don't have any on, which I'm so proud of.

I'm interrupted by a ping from my phone. I reach into my bag and pull it out, turning it on and checking the message. Expectedly, it's a text from Elena in the girl's group chat.


I hope your lesson goes well, girl! You're so going to smash it.

I smile, starting to type, when a text comes in from Sam, and then Vera.


Knock them dead, El! Just don't crash :)

I roll my eyes at her comment.


Good luck, Elodie!! Let us know how it goes later.

I quickly type up a response, thanking the girls and telling them I'll be on my way as soon as I've finished my first lesson to tell them everything. I avert my eyes to the time quickly, aware that it's now ten minutes until my scheduled time to meet Harlow, so I dip my phone back into my bag and then leave my bedroom.

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