Chapter 3

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I'm in a moving car

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I'm in a moving car. 

I notice that as soon as I'm awake. I'm in the back of a car, sprawled across the back seats, alone with someone in the driver's side of the car.

Once I gained consciousness again and woke up opening my eyes, I immediately took it into my mind to stay as still as possible, because I didn't want to alert the person driving. I heard the girls at the bidding; they got injected if they woke up on the drive to the bidding. What's to say it won't be the same here if the driver notices I'm awake?

The past events I experienced before I got injected with something rolled back to me and I remembered everything. The kidnapping, the hectic bidding. It's still hard to believe that this all happened. That it still is happening. I have no clue where I'm being taken right now, and that's terrifying.

As I took in my surroundings in the car, I could tell there was no one but the driver in the car because I could see, from where I was lying, that no one was in the passenger's seat. The person in the driver's seat hadn't noticed that I'd woken up yet, which was a miracle. 

Unluckily for me, I couldn't point out anything in the car that could help me escape. Nothing I could use as a weapon. I didn't dare try and check if the car door was unlocked, because if it was, I wouldn't be dumb enough to jump out of a moving car; and if it wasn't, the driver would realise I was awake.

Giving up, I kept my eyes on the window in the passenger seat of the car, but all I could see was the sky. It was dark, but the dark before sunrise type of dark. I think it's almost morning if I'm correct. 

I'm still in fear and shock because I don't know where I am, where I'm going or who I'm going with. I almost want to cry again, but I realise once I start I might not stop and give away the fact that I'm awake. I look through the window a little more until all I can see are trees. Trees and trees, I can't even see the sky anymore. Where are we? A forest? God, this is like something out of a horror movie.

After a while of driving through what looked like a never-ending forest, the car slowed and I recognised gleams of light outside. I closed my eyes, in case someone was about to open the door and check on me, or if someone else was getting into the car. 

I hear a window being rolled down to my right.

(Translation: Name?)

"Damiano Rufus." 

A man's voice. I could tell he was a man in the car, even though I didn't have a clear view, but I guess this just confirmed it.

Was that a foreign language? Surely it was, but I couldn't pinpoint which one exactly. I didn't understand what the person asked, but the guy in the front seat gave a name, his own I presume. Damiano Rufus? The person outside the car must've asked for his name, then. I would have been able to tell the language further in any other situation, but my mind is drowning in thoughts and questions, and the drugs I've been injected with aren't helping at all. The car was still for a couple more seconds before it started moving again, but slower. I kept my eyes shut just in case but listened out for any noise.

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