Chapter 90

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I feel the sunlight catch my eyelids as I wake up slowly, rolling onto my side in bed and splaying my hand across Harlow on the other side of the bed

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I feel the sunlight catch my eyelids as I wake up slowly, rolling onto my side in bed and splaying my hand across Harlow on the other side of the bed. I fight the light as it tries to pry my eyes open and wake me up, pushing myself closer to the other side of the bed to use Harlow as a shield from the sunlight to get a little more sleep.

Except, that doesn't help, and it's only when I open my eyes lightly, do I notice Harlow is gone. The side of the bed she slept in was empty.

When I fully process that Harlow isn't in bed beside me, and I don't seem to hear her shuffling around the room, I rub my face and push myself up to a sitting position on the bed. Once my eyes adjust to the light, I roam the room, taking another look for Harlow, but again, she's not around. I turn to my bedside table, about to reach for my phone to call and text her, getting slightly worried by the second, when I notice a small piece of paper beside my phone on the table.

Went out to buy us breakfast, darling, won't be long.


I feel my chest immediately fall, relief pooling in my stomach. My lips form a smile and I fall back on the bed, closing my eyes and pulling up the covers just enough to cover my bare chest,

Harlow and I might have had a repeat of our first night's activity the moment we made it back to the hotel, and I can't remember when I fell asleep, but I don't imagine it being very long ago.

I check my phone, tapping on it so that the screen lights up, noticing the time is already 10:44 AM. God, that's already basically three hours wasted on sleep that I could have used roaming Paris - and it's our last day. But in all fairness, I can't complain. The last two days have been filled with fun activities, dinners, outings, and so much more that I couldn't have expected Harlow to put together.

Yesterday, after our macaron class, Harlow suggested shopping, which shocked me, because Harlow is definitely not the type to show up until she drops. But I accepted her suggestion, and God did we shop until we dropped. I felt awful when Harlow called her guards to come and fetch our shopping bags to take them to the car for us so that we'd have space for more.

We finished our shopping spree off with dinner at a small French restaurant and then headed back to our hotel, and the rest of our night had no business in being repeated.

I pick my phone up off the bedside table and fall back onto my pillows, pulling the covers over me and turning on my side. I tap my phone, scanning my notifications as it lights up.

I'm not surprised when half of my notifications are endless messages from my girl's group chat. I've tuned them in on almost everything the past two days, and they've been so happy and excited for me and this trip, it was nice to pour all my excitement out to them when we called and texted. They were so invested they even made me sit on Harlow and I's bed yesterday with my camera on, demanding me to give them a haul of everything I bought in 'the city of love', as they called it. I have to admit, they convinced me, but Harlow wasn't the happiest, because the moment our call ended, our clothes were on the floor and the sheets crumpled up.

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