Chapter 92

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We arrived at the mansion in merely minutes after I ended the call with Damiano

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We arrived at the mansion in merely minutes after I ended the call with Damiano. The car sped across each road, shortcuts being taken at every possibility.

He's done it again. He's threatened me again. He's threatened her again, because of me.

We drive through the mansion's already open gates, and my car door swings open before the car even parks.

"Harlow!" Elodie shouts as the car comes to a halt as I step out, "What the hell is going on?"

I didn't respond to the question when she asked after Damiano's call. I can't have her know my recklessness has put her in danger. Never mind me, I've been in this situation for years, but because of me, she's now involved, and that's where I draw the fucking line.

The first time couldn't have been avoided. There was no way of knowing he would survive and return for more, but this time? This time I was selfish and gullible enough to think he wouldn't expect this, or find out, or make a move, but I was wrong. He's made me look weaker than ever before.

Elodie climbs out of the car behind me, a frown on her face, as she tries to understand the situation.

I turn to the guard leaving the driver's side.

"Lleva las maletas arriba, asegúrate de que Elodie es acompañada a su habitación. No le des ninguna información, estará mejor sin ella. Asegúrate de que está a salvo." I tell him, to which he only nods and walks towards the boot of the car, to retrieve the luggage. Elodie's lips part and she looks at me confused.
(Translation: Take the bags upstairs, and make sure Elodie is escorted to her room. Don't give her any information, she'll be better off without it. Make sure she is safe.)

"Harlow - you do realise I understand you? What the fuck is going on?" Elodie says, frustration shadowing her frown as she speaks.

"Elodie," I take in a deep breath, knowing she won't let this go, "I can't tell you, I need to figure it out before it gets out of hand, and you need to be nowhere near it. Let them take you to your room, don't argue, please." I tell her, all in hopes she understands and listens to me. I don't want her to know, I don't want her to be afraid of anything, this is my fault and I'm going to fix it.

Elodie pauses for a moment as if something came to her. "Is it him?" She asks, and I know that she knows.

But she can't. "Elodie-"

"So it is. Is it to do with me?" Her question is unnecessary, the look on her face tells me she already knows the answer.

My silence confirms her answer and she shakes her head, crossing her arms. "Elodie you can't be in on this-"

"I want to know." She interrupts, no care in listening to what I have to say.

"I'm not allowing that, Elodie, and you know it," I tell her, giving my guards a nod of confirmation and turning to walk away.

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