Chapter 18

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Finally, it was the weekend again

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Finally, it was the weekend again. Saturday, to be specific, which I was more than excited about. On Saturdays we only prepare breakfast, and then we're done for the day. 

So the girls decided that after finishing breakfast, we'd meet back up in our room and do something fun for the rest of the day.

They told me they were taking me down to the pool for the rest of the day, to help me get my mind off of things, and also to just relax and have fun together.

"Okay, so does everyone have their costumes and towels?" Vera asks us, back in the room once we finish getting ready for the pool. The girls double-check their stuff and show them up to her. Sam picked out a bikini set for me when the girls went shopping, so I was using that for our 'pool date' today, as they called it. It was a really pretty string bikini set, yellow with little white polka dots. It was cute, I liked it. Somehow they knew what would suit me.

"Vera, you're acting as though we're going on a family holiday out to the Bahamas or something, we're walking a minute across the house. If we forget something, we can simply just come back to get it, mum." Sam said, smiling at her as she skipped past and out the door, her outfit and towel under her arm. Vera rolls her eyes as she follows.

Each of us follows her out of our room and out of the maid's quarters. It was only November and getting colder outside, but we're almost always in the house anyway, and swimming sounds too nice right now. Besides, the girls said there was a decent-sized hot tub too, in case we got cold in the normal pool, which definitely struck my interest. 

We walk off through the mansion, following Sam's lead as she takes us over to the pool room. It was down one of the hallways on the ground floor, away from the main hallway, hidden near other entertainment rooms like a games room and a sauna and spa room thing, as the girls mentioned. I honestly thought they were messing with me when they said that. Could this place get any fancier? 

We walk in and I'm hit with a small breeze, which was expected. I shiver slightly. I scan my eyes over the room, covered in white tiles and gold details on the walls. This place definitely did get fancier. 

The pool was quite big, situated in the ground in the middle of the room, and there was a smaller hot tub in the corner of the large room. The steam flowing out of it was awfully inviting. I also noticed a door was to my left, which - assumingly - was the changing room.

"Alright let's head in and change, leave your towel on one of those chairs, Elodie," Elena says, pointing over to the chairs, almost like sunbeds, on one side of the pool. I quickly go over and claim a chair with my towel, as do the girls, and then head into the changing rooms with my bikini.

I change into it and take a look at the mirror in the changing room to admire this adorable bikini set. I smiled as I saw that it seemed to fit me perfectly and even complimented my body in a way. I loved it. I couldn't be more grateful for the girls getting me this. I ruffle my hair a little, fix it slightly, and then walk out of the changing rooms, leaving my clothes inside the stall for when I come back to change. 

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