Chapter 81

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I haven't slept since last night

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I haven't slept since last night. Not after reading the letter Luciano sent to me. Not after finding out that he knows about Elodie and I. Nothing else has been on my mind since yesterday.

When I walked out of the warehouse, I phoned one of my men and told them to find a new warehouse spot, further away from our current one. I can't let him get away with this, and I'm surely not allowing him any time to plan something like this on me again. He knows where this warehouse is, and that's already overstepping the line of danger I drew.

I waited five minutes for Damiano, sitting in the car and letting my mind practically eat me alive. Once he returned inside, the letter in his hand, we didn't speak a word. I drove in silence until we arrived at the mansion, and even then nothing was spoken between us. This is beyond me. I'm not this careless, I have never been this careless. And yet now, my relationship with Elodie is out, and not only will all of my mafia know this, but my greatest enemy will too.

And I know for a fact he'll do everything in his power to take this one thing away from me.

I'm sitting in my office, letting my mouse run over my computer screen as I search for a new warehouse. I need one as soon as possible, not just for me but for my mafia, and also to show Luciano that I am not fucking careless about my people's safety as well as my own. I'm never going to let him win.

My phone buzzes beside me. I pick it up and notice the call is from Harry. I don't necessarily want to speak to anyone at the moment, but I set him the task of finding a new mailing warehouse for us, so whatever he has to say it's important.

I answer the phone call and put the phone on loudspeaker.


"Aquí," I respond after a few seconds, praying he has some good news.
(Translation: Here)

Harry doesn't wait to speak again. "Encontré un sitio y envié un mensaje al propietario. Me dijo que podíamos ir a echar un vistazo en un par de horas cuando le dije que lo necesitábamos lo antes possible." Perfect, exactly what I wanted. Harry never disappoints me.
(Translation: I found a site and sent a message to the owner. He said we could come and have a look in a couple of hours when I told him we needed it as soon as possible.)

"Perfecto. Ve tú, yo tengo que ocuparme de las cosas aquí. Llévate a Damiano contigo, él sabrá lo que hace. Toma algunas fotos para mí y llámame tan pronto como sepas lo rápido que podemos hacerlo. El dinero no es un problema, así que no te preocupes por eso." I tell him, and he responds with an 'On it' before I end the call.
(Translation: That's fine. You go, I have to take care of things here. Take Damiano with you, he'll know what he's doing. Take some pictures for me and call me as soon as you know how fast we can do it. Money is not a problem, so don't worry about that.

As I'm about to turn my phone off and head for a shower to hopefully get rid of the thoughts that have been stuck in my mind since yesterday, I get a text from Elodie.

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