Chapter 26

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My arms immediately go up in defence, covering my face when a grenade explodes close to us

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My arms immediately go up in defence, covering my face when a grenade explodes close to us. I don't even hear myself yell amongst the shots being fired.

"Get to the cars parked at front- don't wait for me!" I call out to my men, who have started running behind me, around the building to our cars, while shooting their guns in the opposite way.

I take a grenade hooked to the back of my waist holder and pull the safety pin out of it, gripping it firmly in my hand. As I notice Luciano's men get even closer to me, I back away towards the corner of the building behind me.

I smirk to myself, throwing the hand grenade onto the tarmac before me, waiting for the explosion, until I turn and sprint round the side of the building. I'm hearing yells from behind me, and shouts from the direction I'm running in, from my men.

I turn the corner, seeing the large crowd of guards disperse themselves into different black cars parked together.

I only hear one voice around, despite the yelling, and it's Damiano's.

"Harlow!" I'm running to the car he's in even before he calls my name. He's leaning out the passenger's seat of the car, with a gun in his hand which he waves to me with, before adverting his eyes.

He turns his arm, shooting almost suddenly to my left. I reach the black car, hopping into the passenger's seat.

"To your right." Damiano says, starting his drive away slowly, while my window rolls down and I cock my gun, pointing both arms out the window with a tight grip on the handle. I rest my finger on the trigger of the gun, aiming for the crowd of men who've uncovered themselves from around the building.

Then I shoot at one's head. I hit him clean in the middle of his face, creating the mess left of him to fall to the ground flat. I fire a couple more shots, catching some more guards, mostly in their chests, before Damiano takes a sharp turn from the space our car is parked in and the car roars off into the road in the distance. I'm following the cars of my men, who are speeding through the little road, parting the greenery of the forest we're in.

Damiano checks his rear, squinting at the long road behind him, finally seeing a swarm of jet black cars nearing the road far behind us. I'm guessing the fuckers are just a little unorganized and behind. Just like Luciano after all.

Damiano rolls down his window, pressing the button on the side of his door, unlocking the abilities for the back seats, having two of my men in the back roll their windows too, cocking their hand guns. I take the opportunity to examine our supply of armoury in the back. Everything's stored in a black bag between both men.

"You have three grenades in the glove box, extra in the back." Damiano states, speeding up the car a little. I turn to him, grinning.

"Three will do. I'm better with guns anyway." I say, placing a hand on the window frame of the car, gripping it to keep me steady as I lean half my body out of the car, with my gun pointing behind us. There won't be any violent turns on this road yet.

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