Present //🌙

186 10 6

Shubman's viewpoint :

"Please take care of her and call me immediately if she wakes up." I requested the nurse after covering Anushree in a comfy blanket.

She slept after about an hour of talking and thankfully I still have time to make preparations for a midnight celebration. It's really sad that we're spending this precious time in a hospital but now I'll try to make this as special as I can for my girl.

I requested the management here to at least let me bring a cake and decorate the room a little, which they've thankfully granted me the permission for.

At first I'm heading to our hotel room so that I can freshen up a bit and pick up the gifts we got for each other. I booked a cake already so I'll take it along later on.

It was such a difficult task to select a gift for Anushree that she would love with all her heart. Not that she's picky or choosy, but because she hardly demands for anything.

We both have everything and there's nothing more that we desperately need in life, which money can bring. I would happily spend everything on my love but I know that what she craves is my love for her.

I give her my love everyday but that's not the only thing I can rely on, on special events. Ultimately I had to resort on materials but I tried to make it personalised and as memorable as I could.

I bought a gold ring for her that has the date of the best day of my life embedded on it. The day I made her mine, the day we became each other's, the day my life happened. I'm so grateful for it and so is Anushree.

I bought a neck piece along with it too, which has the same features. Additionally, it displays our name initials too. I hope Anushree will be happy to see what I got for.

I'm sure that whatever she's gifting me must be having a deep thought and personalised touch to it. Anything she does is never disappointing.

I unlocked the door of our shared hotel room and went in before taking out some fresh clothes. I'm gonna take a quick shower first cause I really need it right now. I'm still in a pair of joggers and t-shirt that I wore to gym which is all sweaty. Anushree loves shirts on me so I'm gonna put on one of those, along with a pair of jeans.

I shampooed my hair in the shower and hence I'm now drying it out to quicken up things. Ah, my favourite perfume. I'm almost emptying it out, which is so sad. This fragrance feels like home to me, it screams Anushree's name in my mind.

Since I like to hold her inside my arms all the time, she often smells like me. Even when we're apart, this fragrance is enough to make me feel like she's trapped inside my chest, giving me the best feels ever. I really love it so much, I'll get another one of this soon.

Brushing off the thoughts that would keep me engaged for a lifetime, I took out my gift for my love. The next thing I did was searching up her travel bag to find an aesthetically pleasing gift box. It's so beautiful, my heart is flattered already.

I placed them safely inside a carry bag and now it's time to go fetch the cake and some decorative materials.

As I was heading out of our room, my gaze fell upon the sweet offering given to me this morning. It's not normal, I can totally sense that.

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