Finding a way out //🌙

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Shubman's viewpoint :

No matter how hard I think, my brain can't stop stressing upon the fact that Anushree died my death in our previous life.

If I go back in time to the night Anushree met her death and save her, my previous self might be the one ending up dead. In that case, Anushree and my fates will switch up and I don't think she'll be able to put up with things if I am the one suffering with a chronic disease.

The biggest misery will be that I'll create another misfortune for us in the course of rectifying the existing one, which makes no sense at all. If either one of us is dying anyway, what's the point of taking this decision?

If I try saving the both of us and even if I successfully do, maybe Vihaan's past version will end up killing one of us later on. The death might only get delayed, but not terminated.

Also, my morals won't allow me to kill Vihaan. If I kill him before he gets to kill Anushree or me, he'd be innocent and I'd be the one committing the crime. If not, what's the point of killing him after one of us have died? It'll never give us a happy life.

Additionally, since our fates are tied to our past, some of the other thing will happen such that I end up killing Vihaan in this life as well. Since Anushree doesn't know about our past life, she might not understand me and I don't want her hurt at the fact that she fell in love with a criminal. I don't want Vihaan to die in the first place either.

As I've suffered such a huge loss at once, I sometimes lose control of myself and go aggressive on Vihaan. I also know that he's made a mistake that can never be rectified or paid off but still I can't ignore the fact that he's treated Anushree thousand of times and kept her breathing well for so long. He's sometimes saved her when we had no hope.

Also, he's my childhood friend so I'm close to him since long and have trusted him with everything for a long while. My consciousness would never allow me to be the reason of his death.

I know he's repenting Anushree's loss more than he can ever express. I know he feels like a criminal on the inside as well. I know for a fact that he would've never wanted Anushree to die, that too because of him and neither did he want to steal her from me in this life. He too made mistakes like I did and he doesn't deserve to die for this.

I've to change the past such that all three of us are happy in this life. I somehow have to untie this knot of despair and free us from this vicious cycle.

The only conclusion that I can come upto now is that if I successfully stop Anushree from meeting me in our previous life, she'll never face any distress and we would be free of our past lives. In this life, we'll pen down our own story and there will never be any sorrow. Since she isn't meant to die, she wouldn't have to suffer heart ailments since her birth either. She'll be alive, she'll breathe freely and we'll be together for a lifetime, what else do we need?

Vihaan will be free of his crime as well and lead a clean life. Everyone will be happy.

Now all I have to do is to travel back in time and do anything I can in order to terminate Anushree and my meet. I'll make sure I do something that ensures us never meeting in future as well.

She always ends up dying because of me being the reason. If we never meet, she'll survive. Also, if I'm able to return before the moon phase changes, Anushree and I will regain our memories and be happy together, no matter however the situation changes in this life.

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