Love at first sight //🌙

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Shubman's viewpoint :


Love at first sight;
How could have I ever imagined that one day I'll be one of it's victims and never complain about it?

In fact.. enjoy it? And feel blessed about it?

I never knew what's it's like falling in love and maybe I still don't know... how do I explain my situation?

The way I feel at this moment.. I've never felt the same before. I feel like I'm entirely a different person. For some reason I just can't control my excitement. Just existing makes me feel like I'm on top of the world!

Today, I could feel things I've never felt before. I saw the eighth wonder of the world today. Yes, I really did.

That fragrance of sweet smelling vanilla, those hazel eyes and cherry red lips, those soft strands of her wavy hair, her petite body draped in white and damn, that smile.

Did I just see an angel?


"Shubman.." The most melodious voice ever hit my ear, causing an instant grin to crawl up my face.

"Here's your coffee." She added grinning while placing my favorite mug on the glass table.

I patted on my lap, signaling her to take the seat that's reserved under her name for a lifetime.

"Were you reading something?" She asked as I put aside the belongings that I had in my hand earlier.

"Its just a random book." I shrugged my shoulders while pulling her closer to my chest.

Her petite body fits so perfectly inside my lap, as if it's customized for her to squeeze in.

"Ohh." She mumbled while pressing her hand on my chest.

"Are you tensed?" I caressed her hair on noticing her expressions.

"The check up... tomorrow..." She sighed.

"Don't worry baby. Everything's gonna be fine, I'll take care of you." I promised her while holding her hands in mine.

Of course I remember that its her monthly check up day tomorrow and I've been trying to avoid that thought as much as I can. It scares me to the core to even think about it.

I wonder how my girl might be feeling about her health conditions. It's quite frightening.

"I'm always with you." I assured her before kissing her forehead.

"I know Shub... you're the only person I have." She passed me a weak smile.

"I love you, Anushree. You have me forever, okay?" I whispered the words to her, meaning them with all my heart.

"I love you." She mumbled softly and looked up in my eyes.

At this moment, I can't resist leaning in towards her lips. She's melting me to the core.

I gave in and touched her plumped lips with mine, ever so softly. She reciprocated within a few seconds, like she always does. We like to take things slow and explore each other passionately.

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