Hallucinations //🌙

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Shubman's viewpoint :

"You know, I took her out on a date today, or as what I may term it. She looked so happy, radiating her positivity onto me as well. I really don't know how if she'll ever consider me a person worth being hers someday, but to me, she's my girl already. I have committed myself to her for a lifetime. I always find myself being protective around her, getting jealous if any other man tries to approach her and most surprisingly, I feel like having her inside my arms kissing her.

Whenever I hold her slender fingers inside my comparatively huge palms, sparks travel down my veins. She makes me feel like a new person altogether and I absolutely love it. Every time I look at her, I wonder that how can she be so magical. She's the prettiest lady I've ever seen, both at appearance and of course at heart..." Anushree read out the lines from my personal diary.

Since the time she found it, she keeps reading it in a serial manner. She's always in awe and sometimes even starts crying at the fact that I love her so much. She's really pure at heart.

"This is so cute Shub, it's one of my favourite pages up till now." She smiled whole heartedly.

"Mine too." I smiled while placing my hand on her thigh, as I drove us back to Jaipur.

We have a team dinner tonight for celebrating the collaboration with our clients and tomorrow morning we're heading back to Mumbai.

Mumma and papa are waiting for us and so are the wedding preparations. All the guests, mostly relatives who have arrived are waiting for us.

Anushree has met only my close relatives earlier, hence the other females in my family are really excited to see the to be bride in person. They've seen her pictures a lot of times and heard really positive things about her, which adds on more reasons.

We personally invited her relatives too but they'll be arriving later on. I sometimes get mad when I think of them cause they made Anushree feel so hard to be loved. However, she's so forgiving. She never talks ill of them despite of the way they treated her in her childhood days.

"Peri pauna mumma." I heard Anushree's soft voice and side-eyed to see her conversing on call.

"Shub abhi drive kar rahe hain, ek ghante mein Jaipur pohanch jaayenge hum." She described the details.

They talked for about another five minutes and then hung up. She was basically describing how we celebrated our second anniversary, skipping the kinky parts of course. She looks very happy though, I'm glad.

"Shall we stop by? I'm feeling a bit hungry." I giggled to Anushree while eyeing a lavish looking restaurant on our way.

"Of course." She grinned.

"Look for a table for two, main car park karke aata hu." I told Anushree and she nodded before heading in.

As soon as I got off, I felt a mild headache creeping in. This maybe an aftermath of yesterday's pool session. We were inside the waters till late night and it was a bit cold too.

Anyway, it's not that overpowering so I'll let it slide. I don't want to ruin Anushree's happy mood.

She's currently sitting at a table she found for us and I can see her passionately adoring two baby girls who are on the adjacent one.

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