Pool night //🌙

241 13 5

Anushree's viewpoint :

"Open your eyes now." I felt Shubman's hot breath tingle around my ears as he slowly separated his long fingers from my eyes.

I opened my eyelids to see a mesmerising view, which is the beautifully decorated swimming pool. There's a jacuzzi in here too which I wasn't expecting at all. Shubman has got this entire space decorated so nicely, he's such an expert at giving surprises.

"Wow." I whispered in reaction.

"I wanted to do so much better for you, but the situation.." Shubman sighed.

"It's way too overwhelming for me love. I totally adore this." I cheered him up with my smile.

He grinned while getting hold of my cheek and then softly kissed it.

"We should get changed now, shall we?" He asked and I nodded at it.

I picked up the bag that contains my swimwear in it and then headed towards the changing room. A minute later I could hear Shubman's footsteps in the adjacent room. He must be getting changed too.

It didn't take me long to get dressed up in the fresh set of clothes but I'm so shy to walk out. My body is covered in the marks and bites Shubman left on me today, making me so timid.

"Baby." I heard his soft voice and a knock at my door.

I opened the doorknob but the gate itself still remained a barrier in between us. Why am I so shy to walk out?

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Shubman's concerned voice reached me.

I looked around and my gaze fell upon the translucent robe that I carried with me just in case I needed it.

"Coming." I replied while quickly throwing it on my body.

Just as I pulled the door in order to walk out, Shubman's strong gaze started piercing through my soul. I must be blushing like crazy.

"Damn.." He whispered under his breath.

The way he looks at me makes me feel so beautiful. He always appreciates me for everything I do, guides me when I'm wrong too without making me feel low and does every little thing that I can't even think of.

I feel like being pretty for him, I want to be loved by him. He always gives me so many butterflies. I'm absolutely in love with him.

"You're so hot..." He whispered after seating us at the edge of the pool.

"So are you.." I blushed.

He kept his hand on mine, gradually working it's way up to reach my shoulder. His elongated fingers got hold of my silk robe and pushed it down slow enough to give me goosebumps.

"You're so beautiful." He admired me while staring deeply through my eyes.

"All for you." I touched his cheek.

He leaned a bit towards me and then kissed my forehead. I absolutely love this gesture of his, he's so adorable.

"Sir.. would you like you order some drinks?" I heard a feminine voice and tilted around to see a waitress looking at us, particularly Shubman.

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