Untold stories //🌙

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Shubman's viewpoint :

This is the toughest situation life has ever put me in and needless to say, this has me awake in the middle of night, re-evaluating my entire life.

I can only travel in time to a single moment, that too in our past life and change the course of our life such that Anushree is alive, happy and healthy in this birth of hers. Isn't this way too terrifying?

I don't even know our past lives that well. All I know are a few incidents that I've seen in my paranormal dreams and I've no idea what I'm gonna do.

Knowing that Anushree died my death and how she was wronged in this life as well is a guilt I'm unable to carry on my shoulders. It all started with me, I've ruined my baby's life all through.

She was meant to die in this life as well as she did in our previous one and hence, her heart ailments. It's all because of me that she kept suffering her entire life, slowly died every single day and finally met her death through Vihaan's hands, but me being the cause. If only I hadn't banged on the door out of fright and let her be carefully operated upon, she would've been smiling inside my arms right now. No matter whatever agony Anushree had to go through, somewhere I was always the reason behind it.

All my life I kept on trying to heal her with my love and care, failing to understand that I'm the one causing all her misery. I remember how I tried saving her from falling onto the staircase back in Rajasthan but ended up being the one hurting her. I've committed only mistakes all my life and now, I'm so damn scared to make any moves further. Time has given me a chance and I can't afford to go wrong anywhere.

My first priority is having Anushree alive no matter what. I can't survive the nightmare of not having the chance to see her ever from now on or feel her presence. Whatever the situation is, if she's there, we'll figure out a way.

Not having her with me since the last week has me losing my sanity to another level. I've been doing things I'd never in my right mind; suicide attempts, Vihaan's murder attempts to state a few.

I try reminding myself that I have to continue to be the man Anushree loved because I know she must be hurt at the fact that I'm trying to hurt myself as well as others.

However, how am I supposed to stay sane? Her last words haunt me to the extent that I can't even put out in words. It somewhere made me feel like she knew she's meeting her death... how could she have known?

Was she seeing these dreams all along and decided to hide it like I did? Did she know something about me knowing our past and trying to rectify the errors? I was in a way betraying her in her last days by not telling her the truth and she must've known that.. making her poor heart ache all the more. I've hurt her so much.

I'm still really curious at the fact that how did she know about the stuff I'd been concealing from her? Maybe uncle knows something, I should ask for help.

"Utha diya na mujhe..." I heard uncle groan just as I was about to tap on his shoulder.

He's been sleeping beside me for the past 3-4 hours, during the course of which he keeps disappearing at times, freaking me out all that while.

It's seriously so weird how paranormal my life is at this point. Time itself is laying beside me in the form of a human, which I'm still unable to adjust with.

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