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Who. The. Fuck.

This bitch has the nerve to challenge me in my domain. She must be new. I guess I need to put her in her place. I do have to admit, it was pretty fucking hot. And she is a hot piece of ass. I'm sure by the end of the year I'll smash and pass her. In the meantime, I have to show her who's boss at this school. It won't take much. A flick of my knife and a cut of the cheek normally does the trick.

I don't realize I'm still watching her disappear through the doors when Chloe's voice brings me back. "Baby, are you okay?"

I look at her. "Yeah, I'm okay."

Chloe repeatedly air kisses my jaw and ear. It would be the end of the world if her red lipstick smeared off her blowjob lips. I can't remember when she had them done. Fuck, I can't remember when she had her tits done. She came to school one day and boom! Pornstar look! I'm not complaining. She sucks my cock when I ask and is a good fuck when I need it.

I hear the warning bell and throw my arm over Chloe's shoulders as we all march into the school. I happen to step on Jig's cigarette that girl took from him. She has guts, I give her that. Especially on the first day of school. Someone doesn't care if they make friends or enemies.

"Baby, guess what?" Chloe smacks her gum as I join her at her locker.

"What?" I try to sound somewhat caring.

"So Moira was texting me about Delevine..."

I lost her. My eyes and ears have a plan of their own. Down at the end of the locker row is that girl. Harlan is chatting away and that other girl, whatever the fuck her name is, he hangs out with has joined them both. Mystery girl doesn't have a thrilled bone in her body. She hardly interacts with them as they chat away. She closes her lock and I notice the physics book in her hand. I have Physics first. Either we will be having a fucking party together First Period or has the more advanced class second. The voice in my head hopes for second but my dick is saying first. She turns my way and our eyes connect. My dick does a little dance as she sarcastically blows me a kiss and walks around the corner out of sight.

"....Then she decided she was going to buy this same red dress like me and wear it today when she knew I was going to! Can you believe that?"

What the fuck is Chloe talking about? "Not at all."

"I mean, look at me! No one else can compare to me in this dress."

Chloe shows herself off to me. She did look very fuckable in this skin-tight, red dress. I'm not sure if my cock wants her or is still partying from the sight of that new girl.

The second warning bell goes off. "I'll see you at lunch." Chloe grinds herself against my leg and rubs at my chest. I nod in response. She's gone from my side within seconds.

Well, the new girl isn't in my first class thank fuck and I don't see her any time before lunch either. I ask Chloe if she wants anything to eat. I don't know why I bother asking when neither she nor her friends eat anything. Now and then I catch them eating those 100 Calorie Almond Packs. Not once have they had a proper meal in front of anybody but their parents. I've tried taking Chloe out to eat and all she does is drink water glass after glass. Fuck that. I stopped taking her to any restaurant. I did manage to start taking her to the movies and by far that is the best investment I can have for her. Hand jobs and if I'm lucky, we can get away with her sucking my dick. Fucking perfect.

I grab my pizza and make my way to my seat. As I approach the table, my best friend, Joel, has two girls on each side of him. At least he can't accidentally swap their names. They're both named Britney. Chloe ends up snapping them away from Joel and I slide into the seat beside him.

"Wazzup my man?" He gives me a handshake with a fist bump at the end. "Your dad call you about the racetrack?"

Racetrack is a code name for a deal about to be made. Joel and I weren't born to normal families. My dad happens to be a Crime Boss for the mafia here in L.A. Joel's dad is my father's Underboss a.k.a second-in-command. Joel and I happen to be learning the ropes and once we are eighteen, we officially become a part of the mafia family. Right now, our parents have us spying for information whenever they need to track someone down for money. The best part of all? I get to carry a gun on me in certain situations.

"We'll talk later about it." I see Joel take out his water bottle from his bag. I slide my own in front of him."Hit me."

Joel pours the contents from his bottle to mine and slides it back. I take a drink. American Honey. My favorite.

"Did you screw the new girl yet?"

"Please, Ciaran doesn't screw anyone that is not classy or me." Chloe sits her fine ass on my lap and takes a drink of my bottle, making a face afterward. "That is so gross!" She squeals.

"That is a bottle of pure love, baby." I nuzzle into her neck.

"Hey watch this." She says, giving a devilish grin.

New Girl walks down the row with her tray. Just as she passes, Chloe pretends to fall off my lap, falling into New Girl's side and pouring her food all over the floor. She looks at her food in shock. Then her face twists into someone who wants revenge. She throws the tray on the ground. If the cafeteria didn't have her attention before, they are certainly watching now.

"Oops." Chloe shrugs her shoulders and bats her eyelashes at New Girl.

New Girl scoops down and picks up the nachos covered in meat and cheese with her band hands, then she wipes it all over Chloe's chest and the front of her dress. New Girl even manages to add some more nachos inside of Chloe's dress before crushing the nachos in between Chloe's dress and chest.

New girl repeats Chloe's shoulder shrug and batting eyelashes. "Oops."

Now's not the time for my dick to spring into action.

"You fucking bitch!" Chloe's voice squeals. "Baby! Look what she did to me!"

I rise from my seat. As entertaining this is with women and a food fight, I guess I should do something.

"You just fucked up." I point at New Girl.

"I disagree. You should keep your girl in check as she rides your dick and then this shit wouldn't happen." She turns to walk away and grab her by the arm as tight as I can squeeze.

"Keep going, honey. I love it rough."

This fucking bitch. I can't think straight. I've never had anyone stand up to me like this. One move and new people are on their hands and knees bowing at my feet. This girl? She is going the opposite direction and for the first time in my life, I don't know how to fucking handle her. I have to think of something to say and fast.

"We aren't fucking done until I say we are done."

"You three!" We all turn to see the principle standing high with her gray pencil skirt and matching blazer. "My office! Now!"

"You lucky bitch." I whisper to her. "Guess I'll be waiting after school for you."

"Can't wait for our date."

"Let's go!" The principal's voice rings through the cafeteria.

This bitch doesn't know what hit her. She's in for a rude fucking awakening.

Chloe is given a towel to clean herself off, but she's complaining about her dress being ruined when she probably has three identical ones tucked in her closet somewhere. I'm the last one to walk into the office. The principal grabs me by the arms and gives me a warm smile.

"Hi, mom." 

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