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She can't be serious right now. As I stare at Jolie dead in the face, I can't help but think why she is acting like this. I thought we were on a path to something. I either missed where she took a turn to bitchland or she's scared and is turning back. I don't understand her mindset of being pissed off when I saved her.

"You are blowing this up." I say. "Joel may have touched you but he would have turned a touch into something that would haunt you for weeks and you are pissed off at me?"

"You aren't playing by the rules." Jolie says through her teeth."

"What rules?"


Joel's voice booms outside. Dried and fresh blood cakes his face. Flora stands behind him holding bloody paper towels.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Joel is out for my blood.

"I should ask you the same question since you tried to inappropriately touch my girl."

Jolie smacks me. "I'm not your girl!"

"You heard the lady. She's not fucking yours! I can do as I please."

"This is fucking nuts. This whole school is out of fucking whack! The only person that is touching me from now on is myself. Not Joel, not the guy who is throwing a boomerang in the parking lot, and certainly not you." She pokes at my chest before we are interpreted by my mom and one of my dad's close friends that substituted a class today.

"Everyone needs to leave or you all will get detention!" My mom shouts among everyone. "You two! Come. Now! Flora, the nurse is still available. Please take Mr. Magio there immediately."

Great. I may have killed a guy for no fucking reason. This will push me back with my dad and now I'll have to do double the work to prove myself. I should get rid of Jolie. It would make my life a whole lot easier. Easier said than done. Once I look at her, I can't stop thinking about how much I want to put my hands all over her body and shove my tongue down her throat.

My mom sits with her eyes closed, elbows propped up on her desk, and rubbing her temples.

"Every single time I hear there is a ruckus happening on my grounds, it is always you two. I am going to make myself clear once and once only. You will stay away from each other while on school grounds. If you are near one another at any given time on these grounds, you will be suspended."

"Can you do that?" Jolie asks.

"It doesn't matter. I will do it. I have to do it. Every time you are together, chaos beckens in my halls. I'm giving you both in school suspension. Jolie, you will be in the suspension room. Ciaran, you will stay in my office."

"You can't just keep me at home?"

"Absolutely not. You're lucky I won't tell your father about this."

"He's going to find out anyway because of Dax so you might as well."

"Dax and I have already discussed that he will not disclose any information to your father about your actions at school."

"Aren't I lucky?"

"This all starts tomorrow and will last until the rest of the week. Now get out of my sight."

My mom waves us both out. Jolie walks ahead of me. That doesn't stop me from stopping her.

"Just talk to me."


"I'll give you a ride home."

"Why? So you can prove to everyone that I'm your property and I follow you around like your bitch?"

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