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"What about you?" I ask Ciaran. "What makes you such an asshole?"

I think it's only fair since I told him deep shit about me, he tells me something in return. If he doesn't, he can go fuck himself. I am not getting deep for people who don't give a shit. I'll find out if all he wants is a good fuck.

I light another joint for us to share.

"I shouldn't tell you," Ah, shit. "But fuck my dad. I'm already in so much shit with him anyway and I know you won't go running your mouth. My father is a crime boss for the mafia."

"Shut the fuck up."

"Dead serious. That's why he has so much business throughout L.A. That's why the club does so well-"

"You're dad is Tony? Tony, as in, Tony my boss?"

"Yeah, I thought you knew. Our last name means desire hence the name"

"Fuck no. I just thought he was some pervert."

"My dad worships the ground my mom walks on. When I turn eighteen, I'm supposed to be introduced to the crime family permanently. The way things are going now, it doesn't look like that will be happening. He doesn't seem to trust me enough because I'm not my brother. Jace would bend over backward to make my parents happy. Then he moved away with some girl and somehow, everything I do isn't good enough or it's wrong. I didn't bartend a couple of weekends ago, and now I have to bartend every weekend and give him all my tips and I get only twenty-five percent."

"Is that the money you gave me?"

"It is. I didn't give it to you because you flaunted your body for me. As much as I fucking loved to see you on that stage. I gave it to you because I didn't want him to win."

"Thank fuck I didn't decide to give it all to Belinda."

"What did you do with it?"

"Nothing. It's hidden in a coffee can in my closet. I bet your dad was pissed."

"He thinks I spent it on booze and drugs before I got home. I think that also added to pummeling his son." Ciaran pauses as he eyes me. "Is there a reason for being almost nude, under blacklights, smoking?"

I take a drag as long as I can, holding it in until I feel the urge to breathe, letting the smoke blow in Ciaran's face. "This is how I relax. Don't flatter yourself. I do this on my own on the daily." I look at him. "If we end up having sex tonight, do we go back to being enemies on Monday because I need to loath someone?"

Ciaran scoots as close to me as you can get. We both sit on our knees. Ciaran is a head taller than me, but I keep my head straight as my eyes look up at him. My breathing pace speeds up as he runs his hands down my arms, my sides, and my back, avoiding my chest. Our gaze is locked in. He has the most intense stare than anyone I've tried to have sex with.

It's been a long time since I've done anything. Fuck, do I remember how to get a guy off? This must be what virgins feel like. I should stop thinking so much about it and be in the moment. Why the fuck are my feelings out of whack? I better not be...

"God, you're so beautiful." His voice is soft and deep. He tips my chin up so I can sincerely look at him. Shit, just what I was expecting, Ciaran is fucking gorgeous. "So, beautiful."

Our lips crashed together from the anticipation. Fucking hell, it's better than the kiss in school. His fingers dig into my hair as the kiss deepens and becomes more powerful. Ciaran tastes of mint, pot, and stale cigarettes. He smells like vetiver, enhancing my attraction for him. I pull at his hair as he bites my bottom lip. Ciaran trails his kisses to my jaw and down my neck.

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