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This weekend is damn near flawless. Once again, Jolie and I are back to being together. I did manage to fuck it for a few minutes. We were sitting outside in the gazebo at my house when I brought up her choice of job.

"I can't quit, Ciaran! I need money!"

"Get a normal teenager job."

"Like what?"

"How about waitressing? You can make bank tips with that!"

"I know what this is. You think you can just buy me the whole goddamn world with the money you have! I am not a trophy girlfriend!"

"It's not that at all! I shouldn't have to share you with thousands of men each time you get up on stage! I'm sorry I want to be selfish and I want your body to be for my eyes only!"

Jolie looks at me and I look at her. I'm waiting for more jabs at my chest. Instead she huffs and says, "I'll ask for a couple weeks off and think about it."

That went better than the scene I played in my head.

"I do have another request." I say.

"Oh my God, you are so annoying."

"Come on." I pull her from her seat and walk with her into the house. "You can't get angry, either."

"No promises."

We enter my bedroom and I tell her she may need to sit down for this. I dig out a box in my closet and hand it to her.

"Now, in this box, is going to be something I bought for you. Yes, I understand you hate when I buy you shit. No, you don't have any other choice but to open it and keep it because I refuse to take it back."

"If you are trying to bribe me by getting into my pants, you could have just asked."

She slowly unties the bow on purpose so I become impatient. If this moment didn't mean so much to me I would open it myself and throw the damn gift at her.

As she unfolds the tissue paper back, her gift comes into view. I sit beside her as she stares with her mouth wide open and her eyes mesmerized by the shiny gems.

I got Jolie a new jacket. Actually, I had it made personally for her. I had this jacket made with a deep purple-almost black-leather. The gems recreate her bloody rose to match her last jacket. I made sure to get a lifetime warranty in case Chloe wanted to tango with Jolie again.

"You didn't." She breaths in astonishment.

"I did."

"Where did you get this?"

Jolie carefully pulls it out of the box as if it is fragile and holds it up to see the jacket fully.


"Shut up." Jolie holds the jacket to her chest.

I laugh. "A guy named Will put it together and he is a good guy. So technically, I got it from good Will."

"I don't know whether to throat punch you or have sex with you."

"To help you out, the second option seems reasonable."

"I love it."

"Put it on."

Okay, so I'm nervous. I want to ask her to the winter formal properly. I used to always cringe at those stupid dance proposals high schoolers do. Now, I'm one of them. I stuck the question in the sleeve of the jacket. I didn't do nothing to stupid. I am also not creative.

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