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Watching Jolie walk out of the school doors fucking killed me. It hurt to the point, tears actually fell down my cheeks. I never fucking cry. Especially for a girl. But she's not just any girl. Jolie is the love of my fucking life and I've lost her for good.

Speaking of killing.

I scream Joel's name so loud, I swear the school shook. I feel my veins pop out of my neck and the heat in my face rises. I could bet anyone I'm as red as Hellboy.

I scream his name over and over again until I'm back at the dance. Everyone stops dead in their tracks and stares. I pinpoint Joel with Chloe by the far wall. Joel casually turns his head to me and smirks. I run at him, throwing him against the wall and then the floor.

This time fighting with him unlike in the hall, he actually fights back. We wrestle on the ground, both of us getting punches to each other's faces. I'm about ready to bash his head against the floor when I'm peeled away by Tig.

"You are going to die, Joel! Do you understand me!"

Joel laughs in my face as he spits blood on the floor.

"I'll be waiting, bro!"

"You just ruined the best thing that came into my life! She's never going to forgive me! I just lost the love of my fucking life because of you!"

I hear the other students mumble among themselves.

"Yeah! I'm fucking in love!" I shout at everyone. "And this asshole fucked it all up! Don't fall asleep Joel! Once your eyes close, they will never reopen!"

I try to charge at him again but I'm stopped by a couple teachers. I would say I was escorted out of the building, but dragged is more like it. Jolie is nowhere to be found. I hop in my car and speed to her house. Luckily, the front door is unlocked and I barge in like a lunatic. I'm sweating and feel like I'm going to throw up.

It takes me a few seconds to realize my mother and Belinda are laughing uncontrollably on the couch. There is an empty bottle of wine sitting on the end table. The moms have almost empty glasses in their hands.

If Jolie didn't think I was trash right now, our moms becoming best friends would be the worst thing to happen tonight.

"Ciaran! What are you do-doing here?" My mom hiccups and I can hear a slight slur in her voice.

"Is Jolie here? We got into a fight and she stormed out and left."

"Nope. I'm sure she will be here soon." Belinda's slur is more prominent. "It's not like she has a ton of friends. She was always a loner. I don't know why she chooses to be by herself and wear such dark colors. Do you think I failed as a mom?"

I look up at the ceiling and scrub my face with my hands. I don't want to be a part of the Drunk and Crying Women show.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to go ahead and stay here until she comes home."

"Okay, darling. There's drinks in the fridge. Your son is such an angel."

I go upstairs and take off this damn suit. I dig through Jolie's dressers and find none of my shirts. I end up in the closet where I eventually find a shirt. When I picked it up off the closest floor, I noticed a small box shining from the closet light come into view.

What the hell? She's never speaking to me again so I might as well snoop.

Pictures of a child Jolie and a very young Belinda are on top of the pile. Her birth certificate and social security number are also in here along with a passport. Moving further down the pile, Jolie and I'm assuming Jim are pictured together. That turns into newspaper articles of his death, his obituary, there is a small necklace with a jar attached. The date inscribed on it matches Jim's birthday and death. I carefully place his ashes back in the box. When I hit the bottom of the box, I see a familiar piece of paper. I pull that out along with everything it is rubberband to. She is such a girl.

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