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His mom is the fucking principle? Really? Now I'm beyond fucked. She's not going to do shit to her son which means she isn't going to punish her son's girlfriend. I'm the only one that is going to get my ass beat. If this is the first day, I can't wait to see what the rest of the year brings me. Now I won't be eating lunch and I'm starving. What a waste of money that I barely have. That reminds me, I need to get a job.

"Well, I don't know what to say." The principle begins. "I'm very surprised that this kind of behavior is beginning on the first day of school. Can someone please explain to me what happened?"

"She started it, Mrs. Hughoc. I was just minding my own business and-"

"Hold up. I started it? What world do you live in because it isn't Earth? She ran her body into me and I dropped my tray all over the floor."

"Excuse me, Ms-?"

"Bian," I say.

"Ms. Bian, how did Ms. Collins end up with food all over herself?"

"Easy. I wiped it on her because she ruined my lunch on purpose."

I see High-And-Mighty try to hold back a laugh. Us three turn to him and his smile is wiped away. It could also be from the death glare his mother is giving him. I still can't believe this is his mom.

Principle Hughoc keeps her palms flat on her desk as she takes a deep breath in and out.

"Here's what I am going to do and I am only going to do this once. Ms. Bian, because this is the first day and as a new student, I am going to let you off with a warning because I am seeing this as a self-defense case. However, what you did was very unacceptable and I will not tolerate it after this incident. Ms. Collins, I will expect you in detention tomorrow and Wednesday as well as cleaning up Ms. Bian's food in the cafeteria."

Blondie scoffs. "What about my outfit?"

"I'm sure you have gym clothes you can change into. I will notify your next class of your absence. And you, Ciaran," Principle Hughoc points at her son. "If you are ever involved in anything that has you sent to my office again, your father will be hearing about it. Got it?"

At the words of 'your father' Ciaran shrinks in his seat. "Yes, ma'am."

"You are dismissed."

Well, fuck me. That went better than I expected. Ciaran bumps my shoulder while passing me and he isn't nice about it. I have to rub my shoulder after his impact. Flora greets me in the hallway excitedly. I don't know how I'm going to deal with her. She is just too many rays of fucking sunshine for me. And she talks a mile a minute. Even lightning can't match her speed. She also wears bright colors and bows in her hair. It's like a rainbow shit her out. The glitter is enough for me.

"Oh my gosh! That was amazing! I have never seen anyone stand up to Chloe like that before in my entire life! And not to mention how you completely made Ciaran speechless."

"Her name is Chloe? Of course, it is."

"I'm not sure what you mean."

"Chloe is a rich bitch name. It fits along with Ashley, Britney, Alexis, yadda, yadda, yadda."

"Oh, I get it! So what trouble did you get in with Ciaran's mom?"

"Nothing." I reach my class with Flora and take a seat in the far right corner.

"You lucky duck. You had him and Chloe in the same room as his mom who happens to be the principal and you walked away with no punishment. Teach me your ways." Flora has her hand on my arm. I look down and she immediately pulls it back.

"I'm sure it won't be the last time I see Ciaran."

I lost Flora's attention when the guy who was sitting beside Ciaran at lunch walks in. Flora looks like she was struck by Cupid. She sighs as she watches him sit down on the other end of the row we sit.

"Please notice me." She wipers so softly I almost missed it.

"Flora, do you have a crush?"

"What? No. Crush? I don't like...crush. Just...Pepsi..."

"Are you sure? Because right now, it seems like your eyes are lingering to dark chocolate candy instead.

"No. My eyes are looking at the teacher because he's writing the assignment on the board and we should get ahead while we can."

I don't get anything out of her for the rest of the class and she is eager to leave as soon as the bell rings.

As the last bell of the day sets off, I'm ready to get the fuck out of here. I head to my locker to figure out all the books I need to take home and what I can leave here. Other than lunch, this day was pretty good. I could go for friends that aren't as eager and shiny as me but I guess they will do. I just want out of here so I can get a damn cigarette in me. That will make me feel loads better. A joint would be even better but that will have to wait until I get home and start my homework.

As I'm about finished at my locker, a hand slams my locker shut. I don't need to see the face to know who is going to try and fuck with me. I sling my bag over my shoulder and greet Ciaran's face with a hate smile.

"What gives me the honor of being in your presence, your highness?"

"I'm here to warn you." God, his voice is so fucking deep, I wouldn't mind him telling me what to do in the bedroom.

Until then, rolling my eyes at him will have to do. "Save it. Instead of warning me, just start ruining my life now. Please and thank you."

Ciaran slams my body up against the lockers and crushes my throat with his large hand. I always try to not show my true feelings but in this case, I can barely fucking breathe! This guy is a fucking nutcase!

"Okay, fine. I'll start now. Don't come near me or Chloe or any of my crew. If I even see your face, I will hunt you down and beat the living shit out of you. I don't give a flying fuck if you are a girl, I will beat you until your face is unrecognizable. Don't fucking test me. This is my territory and you play by my fucking rules."

I can feel my lungs giving out. I'm getting lightheaded as I scratch at his hand, hoping he relieves some of the pressure. He lets go and I breath like there is no tomorrow. I wipe away some of the drool that started to seep out of the corner of my mouth. Ciaran's eyes are black holes. He is not human, he's a fucking demon. Too bad for him, I've dealt with his kind before and in the end, I always win.

He leaves me gripping my own throat for protection. I know he almost choked me out but damn, I'm so turned on, I just wanna slam my lips to his and ride his dick to oblivion. What the fuck is wrong with me?

"How was school, baby girl?"

My mom sits at the table as if she never moved, only she's in her special work outfit. She looks like a dumbass with her fortune teller turban. A woman is sitting beside her who looks like the female version of Elvis. Is everyone here a celebrity look-a-like?

"Just school." I handed her a couple of cigarettes from the pack I bought on the way here.

"Jolie, I want you to meet Christine. She came in for a telling and we started chatting and she thinks the afterlife is in a different dimension too!"

"How fun." I fake a smile as I pull out a cigarette. "Listen, I have homework so I'll leave you to it."

"Baby girl, before you leave us, there is a place right on the corner that is hiring. I didn't know if you were thinking about a job and you have the experience so I figured I would let you know."

"I'll go check it out sometime."

"I love you, my baby girl. Don't ever forget that!" My mom yells as I rush up the stairs.

"I love you too!" I yell back.

I tear the jacket off my shoulders and hang it on the hook behind my bedroom door. I look at myself in the body mirror. Just what I thought. Ciaran's fingerprints are already forming bruises on each side of my throat. He thinks he can break me, make me fear him.

He's dead fucking wrong.

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