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The first week of school is alright. Nothing to boast about. The jerkwads stay away from me as I stay away from them. We do our own thing. Harlan and Flora are becoming easier to put up with. Belinda wants to meet the friends I made and I decided they could come over sometime later tonight and spend the night if my place doesn't scare them off. I should be more worried that Belinda will scare them off when she enters the living room in her damn costume. They both seem interested in my mom's line of work. Which reminds me, I have to visit that place on the corner today for a job. I know I won't be telling Harlan and Flora what I do. I'm sure they keep secrets but I can't take my chances of my job expertise getting around the school.

Around lunchtime, the pornstar decides to start shit yet again. At least I have already eaten my food and the cafeteria is slowly dispersing.

"This girl thinks she can get away with looking at my boyfriend!" Chloe starts. I sigh in response already tired of her shit. "What's your game, bitch?"

"Jolie," I mumble mostly to myself but she hears me, damn it.


"My name is Jolie."

"I didn't ask for your name. I asked you what your game was. God, maybe you deaf."

"If I was playing a game I liked, you would be getting shot in the forehead. Maybe a knife lodged in the back of your skull where the soft spot is."

"Are you threatening me? Baby, I think she's threatening me."

Ciaran stands up and we are back to what we three were doing Monday.

"What, your girlfriend can't stand up to herself? Do you have to do all her fighting for her? She asked me what my game is and I told her a couple of my favorite moves. No threatening here." I step closer to Ciaran.

"Jolie, come on. Let's just go to class." Flora pulls at my arm.

"Nice tats, boyfriend. Maybe we can get inked together sometime. Better yet, maybe they can take the tattoo needle and ink the words pussy whipped above your dick."

Flora finally pulls me away from the hierarchy pieces of shits. I wasn't lying when I said he had nice tattoos. Both of his arms are a work of art I want to study and figure out the meaning of. No one at this school has seen mine. I don't know if they ever will. I plan to keep this jacket on me until the last day of school. The top half of my left arm is inked all the way around. To even it out I added more ink on my left side of my torso that snakes down my hip and to my thigh. It's one piece of a snaking vine connecting my famous bloody roses.

Ciaran might choke me out again later. My goal is to get to him first before he gets to me. He wants me to fear him and I'm not going to give him that. The only thing Ciaran deserves is a big heaping bowl of horse shit.

"Harlan and I are thinking about coming over around eight if that is okay? We figured we would bring some movies and snacks."

"Sounds like a plan." A wonderful plan because I don't have to listen to Flora talk faster than a racecar and listen to Harlan complain about schoolwork. He takes me by surprise. Meeting him at the bus stop, I would have never guessed he was this adamant about his grades. Harlan is anxiety on legs. He talks about getting into Harvard Law. I applaud him for having goals so extreme. The two goals I have at the current moment is to get this job and graduate high school. I never really thought about what I want to do afterward.

I feel like today is a repeat of Monday. First lunch, and now here comes Ciaran walking up to me at my locker. This time, his dark chocolate friend, Flora eye-fucked earlier, is with him.

"Go ahead. I love it when you choke me out. But this time, make sure I go unconscious." Our bodies are a hair short of pressing against one another. I feel his hot, cigarette breath on my face.

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