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I haven't counted the money Ciaran gave me. If I do, that means it wasn't a dream. He watched me dance, paid me to watch me dance. I know it's money, but this feels different. It feels dirty. I should just give it all to Belinda and let her do what she wishes. She's bound to tell how much it is. Then say how much of a fucking idiot I am for giving it all up.

I pace back and forth in my room while the money tempts me on my dresser. I could tell Belinda what's going on and we could count it together.

"BEEEEEELIIIIIINNNNNNDDDDDAAAAA!" I scream out until she comes bursting in my room, almost falling against the door. I woke her up from sleep.

"Are you okay, baby girl? What's wrong? Are you dying?" She says groggily. I know she cares. She is still half asleep.

"Other than the fact I'm obsessing over a money problem, I'm fine."

She bounces on my bed, smacking her head against the wall. "Do we not have any money?"

"Honestly, I wish that was the case. We have too much of it. I need you to count this for me." I hand her the wad of money. She looks at me like I'm unrecognizable.

"I'm confused. I need more explanation, please."

"Okay, so there's this guy-"

"You're having guy problems? Baby girl, I have been waiting your whole life to finally get to talk to you about this."

"No, listen!" I snatch the money back from her and flip the edges through my fingers. "I go to school with this guy and we have been at each other's throats since my first day because, you know, I'm a bitch. Well, he was bartending at the club tonight and we saw each other. He then proceeded to get a dance just for himself and this is the result."

"I don't understand your problem."

"It doesn't feel right to take his money. I don't know, maybe I just sound stupid."

"You do not sound stupid. How about this? Keep it this time and next time if he wants a dance, decline him."

"It still doesn't justify that I go to school with him." And that he is sexy as hell.

"And I'm sure your teachers go there too."

"Okay, ew, gross. I'll keep the money." She stares at the money. "Fine, I'll count it. Stop eye-fucking it,"

No one would believe the shock we were in when we counted thirty-five hundred.

Ciaran wasn't at school the whole week. He showed up at lunch on Friday with a cut of the lip and a black eye. Yay. More to add to his hotness level. Something is fucking wrong with me. It isn't healthy to have an obsession with a guy. The problem now is the whole school will know what I do. I know he hasn't said anything yet because Pornstar hasn't opened her fucking mouth for me to punch yet.

He eyes me but keeps walking with a pissed off look and passes his pouty girlfriend, who chases after him. Joel doesn't bat an eye over Ciaran's behavior. Best friend my ass. The only other person that gets up is that Tig guy. He's such an awkward fucker.

Next thing I know, Chloe is running across the cafeteria towards the bathroom, hysterically crying, and the two Britney's rush after her.

"Must be trouble in paradise," Flora says to me.

"Paradise is too happy to be calling their relationship. Theirs is more of North Korea."

"That's harsh."

Ciaran walks back into the cafeteria. Looking around he screams. "What the fuck is everyone staring at! Mind your own damn business." He's next to storm through the cafeteria and to the office. Look at that, he took his own ass to his mom's office. Tig sits down at the table and just shrugs at the guys questioning him.

"Maybe he's on his man period. I did hear on the news it's a full moon soon." I say. "And you know what full moons do."

"No, what?"

"They fuck with everyone's emotions and shit. People go psycho, stab their significant other. Things like that."

Flora whispers, "Oh." and shrinks into herself.

I'm walking down the hall during my study hall when I hear my name being called by Ciaran. Nope. I'm going to dodge that bullet real quick. I pick up my pace and turn down another hall, hiding behind the vending machine.

"You can run, but I'll catch you eventually." I hear the laughter in his voice.

As I hide behind the vending machine, I start wondering why the fuck I'm hiding like a pussy ass bitch. I come out from my hiding place and Ciaran greets me with "The mouse has finally come out to play."

"Alright, you caught me. Go ahead and tell the school I'm a stripper. I don't need anyone around here. You all are a bunch of fake fuckers anyway. Being alone will only make me stronger." The gap between us has closed.

"You dyed your hair."

Ciaran takes me by surprise. "Yeah," I say slowly.

"It suits you."

I lean my head back in astonishment. "Thanks."

"What's up with the bloody roses?"

"As much as I would like to sit down with you and have story-time, I don't want to. I've already shared way more with you and don't want to go any further."

I turn to walk away but he keeps fucking talking. "You haven't texted me."

"God, what the fuck is wrong with you today? You come in at lunch, have a hissy fit with your girlfriend and now you want to be buddies? Is it because you've seen my tits? You could have just asked and I would have shown them to you if it meant you weren't gonna be territorial over this damn school."

"We got off on the wrong foot and I want to make it up to you."

I lean against the wall. "I don't want your shitty sympathy. I was just doing my job. Plus, you made it up to me with the money you gave me."

"Did you really kiss Joel to watch me lose or is it deeper than that?"

"Are you going to stand here and interrogate me the whole time? What's with the fucked up face? Why did you wanna watch me dance for you? Why did you give me that money? Why does kissing Joel piss you off so bad?"

"I'll answer your questions if you answer mine."

I push against the wall to close the gap between us once again. "I swear to God, if this is another fucking bet, I'll be the one threatening to kill you this time."

Ciaran's hand finds the back of my neck and pushes our lips together. I hate to admit it, but I fucking melt into him like he's my oxygen. Our lips are in perfect synchronization together. Our tongues become one. He bites my bottom lip and sucks the pain away. To leave the kiss, he forcefully pushes my head away and I let out an accidental groan from already missing him. We both pant from the adrenaline pulsing through our bodies.

"My house. Tonight. I'll explain everything."

"No," I say. I feel his bulge as I purposely rub the outside of his jeans. "My house. Tonight. Same street as the club. The old pizza place."

"What time?" He breaths.

I look down at my rubbing hand and back up to meet his gaze, "I don't fucking care."

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