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I invited Flora over to help her with getting Joel. Since I'm forced to go to this 'birthday party', I might as well give Flora her make-over. Harlan tagged along because he doesn't seem to have a life of his own. I feel like he is secretly in love with Flora. He looks like he's pouting while sitting on my bed.

"How did you manage to get invited to Ciaran's party? You're like his number one enemy."

"What's a party without your enemy to fuck it all up?"

I curl Flora's hair and apply her makeup. Just like me. Pale with black eyeshadow and dark lipstick to match. Perfect.

I give her a maroon crop top then I tell her to switch it for a forest green. I think I'll wear the maroon tonight to spice up the clothing colors since it's a special occasion.

"Do you want the jeans or booty shorts?" I ask her.

Flora is judging my clothing. Harlan is judging me in general for changing Flora. If I want Flora laid, then I am going to get Joel to get off my ass and onto Flora.

The pants have rips and the booty shorts are, well, booty shorts. Her ass with be hanging out. She's taking too damn long to school.

"You're getting the booty shorts."

"What if I want the jeans?" She asks.

"Too late." I throw the shorts in her face. "Get changed so we can hit the road, have a few beers, get laid and then leave. Harlan, are you after anyone special?"

"No." He says shortly.

The booty shorts look good on Flora. I'll give them to her. I know I won't wear them ever again. I'm out of that phase of my life.

"Bye, you guys! Have some drinks for me! Baby girl, make sure that boy you brought over doesn't add anything to your drink!" Belinda calls out as her eyes are glued to the TV.

"What boy did you have over?" Flora asks as we exit the house.

"No one. She's fucking delusional."

A black fancy car pulls up to us and a stranger gets out of the drivers side. "You Jolie?"

"Yeah." I say slowly.

"A request was put in to pick you and take you to the Hughoc residence. I suggest the girls in the back and you in the front." He points to Harlan.

I shrug and get in the car.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Flora holds herself.

"Flora, get the fuck in or we will leave your ass here and all my work will be for nothing. Do you want my work to be for nothing?"

"No, but-"

"Then get in!"


The party is in full swing when we arrive. I don't know why I'm shocked to see Ciaran's house. It's one just like in the movies. A fountain in the middle of a round driveway and a house that looks like the fucking white house. I bet their pool is as big as the one they use for the olympics.

"This is fucking insane." I say to myself.

We are instantly swallowed by the crowd when we enter the front door. How the hell do you find anyone in here? How the hell do I find the kitchen?

"Hey!" Tig walks up to us. "I didn't know you guys were coming."

"I would rather be working."

"Flora, you look...different."

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