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That was easier than I thought. I didn't think she would budge that easily. By far, the best fucking kiss. I swear I saw fucking fireworks. Oh, shit! If I saw fireworks, normally that means...

Nope. It was nothing. I meant the kiss was something but I didn't see anything. Then Jolie had to give me friction on my dick. It felt good but I can't. Why is it every time she gives me a fucking erection, I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time? My dick needs to calm down.

Her feistiness is going to get her in trouble. I will shove my dick so far down-

"Ciaran, you cool?"

I forgot about Joel sitting in my room. I need to get him out so I can go to Jolie's place. Fuck, I can't tell him where I'm going.

"I'm good. It's just been a bad week."

Bad isn't a strong enough word for this week. My dad and I got into it. We have never thrown hands at each other but I had enough of his shit. He started yelling about how I left the bar for too long. That turned into how I am not ready for the mafia family and I will never be ready because I have my fingers shoved up my ass. So I snapped.

I punched him with so much force, I knocked him back against his desk. Then he was out for blood with me. He gave me a black eye and a swollen lip. His ring cut me a few times on the face. I busted his nose and some teeth fell out. My mom was not a happy person. She told me not to go to school for a week, but I needed to see Jolie. Then of course as soon as I arrived today, Chloe had to chase after me as I was getting my lunch. Tig for some reason wanted to be by my side, which I would rather have him than Joel. All he does is boast about the damn family and how much recognition he is getting with my father. Fuck them both.

Anyway, Chloe was trying to be all worried about me in her fake ass voice she does. Then she did the air kiss thing because heaven forbid her make-up looks like she was kissing face with her boyfriend! She ran off after I called her a self-loathing cunt and I would rather be with a fucking electricity pole than her because at least I would have more spark with it than her.

"I get to go to find the guy that owes you dad money. I'm hoping to see them beat the shit out of him. Maybe they will let me shoot him in the shoulder or leg."

I run my hand through my hair, trying to refrain from punching him in the face. I get up and pull on a shirt. I grab my keys off my desk.

"Where are you going?"

"Getting the fuck away from you and your damn bragging mouth."

Jolie says she lives in that run-down pizza place on the same strip as the club. I park my car in the club's parking lot and walk down the street. The only reason I find the place is because there's an imprint of where the original pizza sign is. How do you live in an old pizza place? I knock on the door and wait.

And wait.

And wait.

I knock again. "Jolie? Are you home?"

I hear thumping and moving around before an older lady in a weird dress opens the door.

"Are you the cute guy that watched my daughter strip over the weekend?" She keeps a smile on her face. She doesn't sound pissed off about it.

"Belinda, get the fuck away." Jolie pushes Belinda out of the door frame. She almost falls on the floor.

"I didn't think you would be this late."

"Late? Did you want me in your pants that bad?" I joke as I walk inside.

They do a decent job of making a pizza shack into a house. They made the counter into an island with bar stools. The stairs look newly put in. I wonder what's in the room with the beads hanging in the doorway. It looks just like a normal place to live. Kinda on the hippie side, though. It feels more like a home than my own.

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