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She fucking knows. I don't know how Belinda knows, but she knows I killed someone in cold blood. Her eyes showed how terrified she was. Not for herself, but for Jolie. I don't blame her for not wanting someone like me around her daughter. What she doesn't know is that I did it for my father. For a position in his sick game THAT I DON'T EVEN FUCKING WANT! Now it's cost me my time with Jolie, who is the only person that matters to me. I finally got a chance for her to be mine and this is the outcome.

I repeatedly hit the steering wheel.

They think they can stop me? I'll see my girl if I goddamn want too! I hope Belinda knows her house isn't the only place her daughter and I have to hang out.

When I walk into my house, I feel small. As I stand back and look at the main foyer and staircase built for a king, I realize no one needs to live in a house this massive. A house like this could fit ten families.

"Hi, darling." My mother walks down the steps gracefully with her silk robe flowing behind her.

She looks from out of a movie. Her nails are newly manicured red and her hair is pulled up in a perfect, tight bun, and her makeup is still untouched from the day.

"'Sup?" I give her a half wave.

She places a hand on my cheek and sighs. "You are such a good boy. I think that girl is causing your downfall."

"Not the way I see it but thanks for your input. Now, I'm going to my room and I'm calling the girl who is my 'downfall'."

"Ciaran." My mom calls as I walk up the steps.

"You have some nerve mom. Telling me that a girl is my downfall when you are married to a crime boss."

That night, Jolie and I FaceTimed and she fell asleep on me. I also woke up to her still sleeping. We masturbated to each other, dressed and I picked her up. Belinda yelled at Jolie for getting in the car with me and Jolie did the most Jolie thing for her to do and flipped Belinda off.

"She could just ground me. She does have that power." Jolie says.

"Would you listen?"

"Nope." She pops the p and sticks a piece of gum in her mouth.

My dad calls me and tells me about the nice little gift I have after school. I look at Jolie, who is scrolling through Instagram.

"I can't, I'm busy."

"With what? Playing with yourself? You will be there, Ciaran!"

"No can do, pops. I have a date tonight." Jolie looks at me wide-eyed, and lips 'no'. "We are going out to eat and doing God knows what else. So you will have to have someone who cares to be at your beck and call."

I hang up and Jolie takes no time to say, "Now we are going out of dates? How fancy."

"I know you would rather sit in your room and listen to your mom yell about how I suck."

"It's like you can read my mind."

People at school weren't surprised when Jolie and I showed up with my arm around her neck with a cigarette hanging out of my mouth. We reach the group of people I normally hang out with before the warning bell goes off. Joel is nowhere to be seen. Jolie steals the cigarette out of my mouth and puffs on it for her own craving. Chloe stands on the other side of the sidewalk in between the two Britneys. She keeps giving me death glares that have no effect on me.

"Can I ask you something?" Tig asks as he pulls out his cell phone.

Tig swipes through his pictures. Jolie and I look at each other when we notice all the pictures he has of Flora.

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