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I've met my match. I thought pulling a knife on her would scare her enough to leave us all alone. She fucking had her own damn knife ready for me. What the fuck am I up against? My dick stirred awake when she licked and sucked on her knife. The list of dirty things I would do to her is endless. I imagine both of us having wild sex, giving one another a small cut somewhere on the body and licking the wound free of blood. I excitedly shiver at the heated thought.

When Joel talked about boning her after the Masquerade Ball, I saw red.

"Don't fucking touch her." I had said.

"Why? Are you going after her?"

"Fuck no." But fuck me for lying.

"Then I can do what I want, who I want. I should invite her to the party tomorrow night."

I had to walk away at that moment. If more words would have been said, the red I saw previously would become his blood on the floor and my hands.

Maybe I should just go ahead and fuck Jolie out of my system. My body thinks I need to. If she comes to the party, I'm a dead fucking man. She knows exactly what to say in every scenario possible. Calling me pussy whipped pissed me off, but not enough to stop my dick from rising at the thought of her dark purple lips and the biker look. That leather jacket Jolie wears for dear life gives me more fantasies about her.

I wonder if she would let me fuck her in the ass?

"Ciaran!" My mom yells my name in the car.

Shit did I say that out loud? "Yes?" I slowly say.

"Your father has a busy weekend at the club and he wants to know if you would be willing to bartend for a few hours."

"Can't I have plans with Joel. I'll take him up his offer next time."

"This is why I wish Jace would have never moved away. He would have helped out whenever he could."

Fuck this shit! Jace left because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants and fell into a girl. Both pussy and love. Now he lives in Texas with Daisy Duke and has a son that the family has yet to meet. My mom likes to tell me I'm not like Jace every chance she gets. If I was Jace, I wouldn't be me and I'm pretty fucking awesome. Plus, Jace is a little bitch. He worshiped the ground our father walks on. He never had the balls to say no.

"I get it. I'm not the favorite son. Rub it in my face some more, why don't you?" That shut my mom up.

She clears her throat during the silence between us. "Why did you and Ms. Bian have knives pulled on each other?"

"Just showing them off. Mine fell out of my pocket and we started talking about knives and she happened to have hers. Shouldn't you be proud how well we were bonding after what happened Monday?"

"You both shouldn't have weapons on school grounds. If you weren't my son, I would have you both expelled in a heartbeat."

"You can still expel me. I'm not going to complain."

She gives me side daggers as she pulls the car into the garage.

I need a fucking blunt or bong in my hands.

As I am about to leave for Joel's party, my mom stands in the foyer with her hands on her hips. What did I fucking do now?

"I am going to ask you one more time. WIll you please help at the club tonight?" She seems exhausted. Her hair is pulled in a messy bun and she's wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants. She never dresses like this unless she is going to bed the next minute. Since my birth, my mom has dressed up every single day, her make-up is done and no hair on her head is out of place. I eye her curiously.

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