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Belinda surprisingly took a fortune telling job at someone else's house for a change, leaving Jolie alone as I picked her up. I nervously knock. It's not like it's prom or anything important. It's a fucking formal party that my parents are hosting for their crime friends and police to be besties. No big deal.

Jolie opens the door, poorly balancing on one foot as she tries to put a heel on the other.

"Holy shit you look hot."

It's taking me all my might to not mess up her make-up right here, right now. God, is she fucking gorgeous. I take a moment to drink in all her beauty. Her golden eyes shine with the soft look she is giving me. I know she hates dressing up like this, but I'll make sure after this disaster night, to give her a night she won't forget.

"And you in a tux has me soaked. How long do we have to be there?"

"I'm hoping we can just go in, meet some people, say hi to my parents and then be back in time for me to smash and dash."

"It's like you read my mind." Jolie grabs her purse and asks, "Ready?"

"Not so fast. I have a surprise."

I pulled out a black box I picked up from the jewlers today. Inside, I had earrings specially made for Jolie. 1 carat of a black pear-Shaped diamond with a 14 carat rose gold frame surrounding the jewel.

Jolie opened the box and gasped. She stared at the earrings before slamming the box shut.

"I told you no more gifts."

"I wanted to."

She holds up her hand. "I'm going to make this clear now. I am not your barbie girl. I will not dress up for your needs or anyone else's approval. I told you no more gifts and I meant it. So you can take these beautiful earrings and shove them up your ass."

Jolie shoves the earrings at my chest. I look at the box and turn it in my hands. Funny enough, I don't feel anger. I know I should because of the shit ton of money I spent on them, but I have a feeling she will wear them for another occasion. Jolie is stubborn as hell. I hope she never stops.

I give Jolie a small chuckle and sit the box aside on the kitchen counter.

"I'm not going to pressure you. You do whatever you want. At least keep them."

"Fine. I'll make sure to hide them so Belinda doesn't pawn them off.

I spot my parents talking to a couple of my father's men. I turn my body to face Jolie."I want to introduce you to my parents." I say, licking my lips.

Jolie gives me small chuckles. "I already know them. I eye fuck you in her office all the time and your dad is my boss."

"I want to properly introduce you."

"That's not necessary." She says.

"Yes it is." I lace my fingers with hers. "Come on."

We approached my mom and dad. If my heart is beating out of my chest, I can't imagine what Jolie's heart is doing. I don't understand why I am so nervous. They already know her. I guess the question is going to be how they will react when I introduce her the way she deserves.

"Mom, dad, I think formal introductions are in order. Jolie, this is my mother, Beth, and my father, Anthony. Mom, dad, this is Jolie Bian. My girlfriend."

I look at Jolie. Her eyes widen as they study my face. I can tell she's holding back a smile. When I look at my parent's reactions, I notice my dad eyeing Jolie curiously. My mom takes Jolie's hand in between hers.

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