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She has the most gorgeous tattoo I have ever witnessed on a girl. I've seen a lot of girls. Being from a distance, I can't tell what kind of flowers there are. She took her top off and something in me snapped. I grip the bar so hard my arms feel like they are going to snap at the joints. Chris keeps yelling in my fucking ear. Doesn't he understand I'm going through some shit right now?

God, she's fucking hot. I need to see her personally.

"Chris, I'm going on break."

"You can't just-"

Fuck, Chris. I track down Sissy, one of the managers for the girls. "Hey, a guy wants a dance with Angel Jolie," I say.

"Tell him he's on a waitlist. I already have ten dances lined up for her."

"He's one of my father's businessmen and you know how they are with waiting."

"Alright. He needs to be there in twenty minutes. She ends her show in five and gets her fifteen-minute break. Any preference of stage?"

"Stage 25."

Sissy pulls out her handheld device and scrolls to the stage. "It's free and he is in."

"You're the best."

I walk through the lusting crowd when Chloe catches my arm with her newly manicured nails. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I look up on stage and see Jolie leaving behind the curtain.

"I just got here. That's not a nice way to say hi to me."

"Did you happen to see the last stripper on stage?"

"No. Why, were you looking at her?"

"Her outfit looks like something you could wear to bed for me and I was going to see if you wanted me to borrow it."

"That's so sweet of you. But that would be like taking the trash bag from the trash."

"She's not trash," I mumble. I pull away but once again, she stops me.

"You look hot tonight. When you're done working, do you want to get out of here?"

"We'll see."

"You have been ghosting me for the past week. I had to hear about your little fight with that bitch from Joel. What is going on with you."

I grip her shoulders. "Chloe, you need to back the fuck off me. I need to get shit figured out in my head and you playing these childish attention games is not helping. Enjoy the fucking show or get the fuck out." I check the digital clock on the wall. "Shit."

I leave Chloe and push my way to Stage 25. I freeze when I see her walk up to the pole. Even from here, she's fucking perfect. Her confusion on whether to carry on as if someone is watching her makes her look vulnerable. She doesn't do anything crazy on the pole. Just a few ground tricks and walking around the pole.

I leave my hiding spot when she glances at the call button I pass her as she bends to press it. She doesn't notice it's me until she stands up and turns to face me. Never at any moment did I think this is how I would see Jolie. I figured I would see her naked body when she was underneath me in a bed. But this...

This is phenomenal.

I don't know if she can see me shaking, but I damn well feel it. My dick is hard as a rock. I want to get on that stage, grab her close, and touch her everywhere. I want to caress her body. Feel her soft skin, trace every line on all of her tattoos with my tongue. Leave behind bite marks of her inner thighs. I want to feel her nails scrape down my back as I make her moan my name and claim her.

I lean in closer with my elbows propping up my chin. Her side tattoo is bloody roses. What is with these bloody roses? More questions to her mystery.

I'm upset when the lights on the stage turn yellow. I want more time. I need more time. I'll have my time, eventually. I just need to be patient.

I grab the money out of my pocket. She refuses, playing by the rules for the first time in her life, no doubt. "Take. It." I demand. She does.

I walk away. I don't know if this was pleasure or torture. Her body is fucking immaculate, but now I have to go back to work with a big fucking hard on the size of New Zeland.

"Took long enough on your break!" Chris complains.

"Shut the fuck up. I have been here for almost sixteen hours, not once taking a goddamn break while you were off fucking your boyfriend's ass back home! I needed air and now I need you to leave me the fuck alone!"

He scampers away, mumbling to himself. I know he called me self-entitled. Fuck this place and everyone who works here.

Someone leaves a tip on the bar, I take it and stick it in my pocket. When I feel my empty pocket, I start to laugh. I gave all the tip money I've made so far to Jolie and I only have half an hour to go. My dad will barely get anything from me.

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