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This bitch decided to get back into bed with no clothes on and tease the shit out of me while my stomach is killing me for food. Of course I give in. What else is there to do? Plus, I never got my birthday sex.

Jolie sits in between my legs and takes my dick all the way down to the base without gagging. I knew there are girls that can do that, But I've never witnessed it because Chloe didn't do it.

Jolie teases my tip with her tongue, licking any precum. As she pumps me faster and faster with her mouth, she plays with my balls at the same time. I fist her hair and yank her mouth off me. I can't come yet. I want to be inside her when that happens.

Jolie licks her lips and climbs on top of me. She lines my dick up and lowers herself down nice and steadily. We both groan at the same time from the craving of needing one another. My hands sit on her hips as she rocks back and forth. Jolie starts slow and then builds her momentum. The more she thrusts, the louder her moans become. Jolie's moaning to me is so fucking hot, I don't think I'm going to last long.

I sit up to meet her lips with mine as she bounces on me. Her hair is sticking to her forehead from the sweat. I suck on her neck as we both orgasm together. Jolie cries out my name as she reaches her high.

We fall on the bed and I pull her to my side. I can see her eyes closing on me so I lean in to steal more kisses from her.

Then my fucking phone has to ruin the moment.

"What?" I spit. It's my fucking father. I shouldn't have answered it in the first place.

"Once you're done doing drugs or whatever girl you chose for your birthday, I need you."

"Oh you need me? For what? A punching bag?"

"I'm giving you a chance to redeem yourself. I have a surprise in the storage unit just for you."

I can't respond because the fucker hangs up on me. I look at Jolie. She looks so innocent staring at me. I don't know if she knows how concerned she looks. "Are you concerned about me?" I smirk.

Jolie's face changes back to her normal bitch face. "Nope." She replies. "You could get hit by a car and I would feel nothing."

"I have to go see my dad real quick. Are you cool staying here?"

"I think I'm just going to go back home. Belinda's not really a loner type."

"Okay." I say. Shit, what the fuck do I do? "I'll make sure you get a ride back. Do you want me to call you later?"

"I guess. If you want to. I don't know how this works."

I get dressed and leave, only to come back in and ask, "We aren't dating, right?"

"I would rather saw off both my legs and eat them before becoming a girlfriend to a guy who flaunts me around to his buddies."


I arrive at one out of many storage unit buildings my dad happens to own. He basically owns all of L.A. If anyone ever tries to take him down, they won't get anywhere. The police eat out of the palm of my father's hand.

I open one of the units and yep, my gift is here and alive. The man is tied up in a chair, his face caked with dried blood and swollen to the point of no recognition. My dad also had a gag ball shoved in the man's mouth to keep from screaming. Must have got that from one of the stripper's costumes.

Near the wall is a single end table and only has one item on it. A gun. I walk over and pick it up. I know my father. This gun only has one bullet. When you work for my father, you don't miss the first time. I walk in front of the man and take the ball out of his mouth. He starts to cry.

"You can't kill me. I have a family. I have young kids."

"You might as well save it. I have to do this whether I like this or not."

"You're just a young kid. You have your whole life ahead of you."

"You're right, I do." I can see the cameras in the corner of the storage units. The dirty fucking is watching me.

"Don't let my children be fatherless, please." His beg is a choking sob.

"Should have thought of that before you fucked us all over."

The guy is dead instantly when the bullet strikes him in the middle of his eyes. I throw the gun back on the table and walk up to the camera.

"Is this what you want, dad? Does this redeem my spot on your fucked up team? Do you give a shit about me now?"

I walk out of the storage and room and sit in my car. I punch the steering wheel and scream out in anger. My family is so fucked up. They raise people to be killers. No wonder Jace left. How the fuck does Joel want this as his life? I don't even want this shit.

That has to be a lie to myself. If I didn't want it, why did I just murder a guy?

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