Ruined your life.

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Spencer's POV:

The words slip out of my mouth before I even know what I'm saying "I HATE YOU TO!" I cry.

I see him bawling his eyes out and the baby starts bawling and everyone is screaming and crying.

"I- I don't mean that..." I say softly.

He looks up at me, still frowning.

"But I think it's best that you leave before you hurt me... It even the baby." I say.

"This is my house to." He says.

"Fine. Then me and Dustin will leave." I say.

"He's my son to." Toby says angrily.

"You have already hurt me! Next you will neglect him! You can leave or we will!" I yell.

"FINE! Go! You don't have anywhere to go though! You're gonna get hurt way worse than I did and I won't save you!" He yells.

I get up and begin filling up all of my bags and the baby bags.

I get the stroller and give Dustin his bottle.

The whole time Toby looks shocked but I get the car keys, all of the money I saved up and any other essentials needed.

I walk out, Dustin in the stroller.

"W-wait!" Toby yells.

I put Dustin in his car seat and before Toby can even catch up to us, I drive away.

I think of anywhere I could possibly stay, then I think of jut staying at a hotel.

I end up pulling into a 4 star hotel that was actually about 15 blocks away from me.

After we are in, I think about maybe trying to call Toby... But maybe it's a bad idea...

I do a slight background check on this place (because I research everything for no reason) I see something that catches my eye.

I didn't get why this was a 4 star... It had a huge variety of water slides a kitty pool huge pool and hottub... A bar an fancy restaurant and as fa as I can tell, nice staff.

The reason it's a 4 star is because must be because there have been lots of kidnappings at this hotel.

The last one just happened last week... And apparently there's been a weekly pattern for a while.

My heart drops... I mean how could something like that be hidden from the public...?!

"Calm down sweety" I hear a voice say before I feel a hard punch to the back of my head.

The last thing I hear is my baby giggling as the man picks him up.

When I wake up from that awful, awful sleep Im actually not tied up.

But there's a girl sitting on a bed beside me combing her long red hair.

I look around and see my hair is also smooth straight and perfect... And I'm wearing the same odd dress as the girl beside me only in pink.

It's a nice short dress... And I have no shoes on.

I feel the itchiness hit me and I begin to feel uncomfortable by the dress.

"You get used to the itch" she coos happily.

"Do you know where we are?" I ask her.

"This is our room now. Your son is in the boys room and don't worry he's fine... My son is in there as well and they are taken care of properly" she says smiling again.

"Who takes care of them?" I ask.

"The nurses... We get daily visits" she says.

She lays down the comb and actually faces me. She has perfect pale skin with no makeup and freckles.

"I'm Farrah... And you're spencer, right?" She asks.

"Y-yeah so... Why are we here?" I asks

"We were chosen. All of us had bad lives... And we all have one child. We are also in our mid twenties and we all look perfect.... That's what he prefers" she says, her perkiness fading.

"But... Why?" I ask.

She sighs. "A lot of things. Sexual things, training things and money things... We are like his servants... And all the nurses are the ones who had been here for more than fiv years. I've been here for 3... And when you are a nurse you get a lot more special treatment. The only price is to treat wounds and help out with the kids." She explains causing me to become sick.

"Do you like it here?" I ask.

"I act like I do... And there's no escape so you learn to like some things..." She says wiping her face off with a baby wipe.

"Why does he capture girls at the hotel?" I ask.

"He sees who is going to the hotel and it's the easiest place to capture us... I had a fall out with my husband just like you. God I miss him... I can't even remember us fighting anymore." She says.

"How did you know-" "he talks about all the new girls at dinner. He mentioned you a lot... That means he thinks your pretty. You should be thankful or you would end up in the basement." She says.

"What's in the basement?" I ask.

"He leaves you locked in a cage for 2 days with no food or water." She says.

"Do you know-" "ladies..." I hear a man say.

"Yes sir?" Farrah says getting on her knees.

She pays beside her and I do the same as her.

He chuckled and says, "it's almost dinner. Get ready" and walks out.

Farrah sits me down and the chair and starts combing my hair before putting it in a high ponytail.

She does the same and says, "go into your closet and put on a dress that says 'dinner'"

I listen to her and go into the closet labeled spencer.

All the dresses look the same... Long sleeved soft pink dress.

I grab a random one and close the door behind me.

I change into my dress and When I come out Farrah hands me white flats.

I put them on and somehow... They are the right size. How the hell does this guy know my size?

She brings me into the hall and a bunch of other girls swarm out.

They all begin singing high pitched and it begins to annoy me but I copy what Farrah says.

"Hello ladies." He says.

I have to admit, I though he would look... Creepier but he seems cute.

He walks up to me and kisses both of my hands.

"Thank you" I lie.

All the girls stare at me but Farrah walks up to me.

"I'm sorry sir she just got here and-" "it's okay Farrah, just sit down" he says with a smile.

Farrah nods at him smiling and sits back down.

"You are new so you will be missing out in dinner so I can... Show you around." He says.

"Okay... Um sir." I say, realizing last time I didn't call him sir.

He pulls me around and we stop at his bedroom.

I gulp as he slams the door as begins unbuttoning my dress.

"S-sir I just-" "shut up" he says.

(1 hour later)

After that terrible time I begin crying.

He rolls onto me and begins biting my neck enough to draw blood.

I whimper and tears get all over me.

I want Toby here with me right now. My body and my heart hurt...

"I want Toby." I say.

"He ruined your life." He states.

Spencer and Toby: together for eternityWhere stories live. Discover now